Chapter 5: Wedding

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Excitement bubbled in Harry's chest as he readied his tie. Luna helped him tie it, and Harry was just worried it wasn't straight enough. He flattened his collar on his white button-up. His robe—the marron robe he was gifted—was hanging over his shoulders.

"You look amazing." Luna complimented him, brushing off some dust at the end of his robe.

"What if Tom doesn't like it?" Harry fiddled with his sleeves. "What if he thinks it looks terrible? I love this robe, but maybe I should have gotten another robe?"

Luna shook her head. "You look lovely. And Tom loves you; I bet he would love you if you turned up in your pyjamas."

Harry scrunched his nose.

A knock sounded at the window. Luna bounced over to it and squealed once she looked down.

"Room for more?" Ron's voice met his ears.

Harry looked over to see Ron crawling through the window, a jet of water circling his tail. His footsteps moved before Harry could comprehend, wrapping Ron in a tight hug. Ron laughed and patted his back.

"Ron!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry! Did you seriously think we'd miss your wedding?" Ron admonished him.

"Hey, I'm here too!"

Hermione's face was just on the other side of the window. Harry rushed over and helped haul her over the sill. He gently placed her on the floor, screaming in glee on the inside. Harry smiled as he saw Neville start to crawl through the window as well.

"You made it! Will you see the ceremony?" Harry asked, helping Neville with Luna.

"We'll rise from the backside of the ship,; where no one can see us," Hermione promised him.

"Good!" Harry reached in for a bone-crushing hug. "The reception will be all over the ship, could we celebrate privately after that? I'll bring the alcohol."

They all grinned wide. "We would love that," Ron said.

"Good! I should bring Tom as well. Don't worry, you'll be safe!" Harry reassured them.

Hermione beckoned him forward. Harry leaned down in question. Hermione reached into her net bag and withdrew a clam. She opened the clam to reveal two cufflinks, both made of a cream shell with small rubies along the outside.

"Oh, Hermione!" Harry's hands went to his mouth.

"Hey, we helped too!" Neville crossed his arms.

"Of course you guys did." Harry felt tears prick his eyes.

Neville helped him place the cufflinks in an even order. He straightened them and nodded when they were finally in place. They hit the light in just the right way, and Harry thought it finally tied his outfit all together.

"Harry, it's time," Luna announced, pointing at the clock.

"Go get him, tiger shark." Ron lightly punched him.

"I will!" Harry flashed his teeth. "I will."

Luna escorted him out of his room and out of the hall. They waited behind a white curtain, and Harry could see the guests through the sheet. Nerves ate at his stomach, and he was sure he was going to throw up.

"Now announcing the other groom, Harry James Potter!" A man announced.

The sounds of a soft piano met his ears. The curtains opened to reveal a long, cream-coloured aisle that was packed with guests on either side. Harry shuffled, about to vomit all over the place. He was glad he fasted before the wedding.

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