" Jeff" I breathed, taking to my feet to ready myself, but he just sat there hunched at my chair, a bottle gripped in his hand with his breath heavy. Asleep?


He stirred, looking at me with lazy eyes. " I-I missed you.. so much" his voice was barely above a whisper as he forced himself to sit up, he looked feverish, and not in the love sick way he thought he was.

That's when I took in the rest of his form, taking in the blood soaked bandages across his body along with the open jacket on his shoulders. He was really roughed up, I felt myself take pity.

" You don't look to be doing all that well, Jeff" I muttered, and he nodded in agreement, his eyes flicking down to his toreso for a quick minute before looking back up at me.

" That's true" his raspy voice muttered. Staring at me with pale, tired blue eyes. I thought for a moment. Debating.

I could definitely go and get Liu, tell him he's in a weak state, get him for good,

But on the other..

He really was pathetic right now.

Despite my better judgement I found myself carefully helping him out the chair and into my bed. He whimpered in pain, his tired black ringed eyes squinted. From this closeness I could see that he did have some semblance of some eyelids even if it was scar tissue, all his eyelashes though were gone. I wondered if he got sweat in his eyes often, or if he could even do that anymore at all.

I set him down carefully, gently as my hands went down to the bandage, I could see light yellowing stains, infection clearly setting in. " Shit uh, stay here"

I quickly sped walked to my bathroom, pulling out all the medical kits I could find, including stealing the one from the kitchen before quickly making my way back up, settling everything down next to the male.

" Jeff.. you trust me, right?" I asked. He coughed, and nodded.

" Always have"

I bit my lip, carefully pealing back the stained bandages, that were clearly not being changed as much as they should be, I cringed at the sight.

A red, angry wound seethed and heated it's self on Jeff's torso, it wasn't a large gash, but the infection definitely was. I could see the hints of puss coming from the stitches.

" Shit Jeff, what'd you do to make this so bad?" I muttered, he hummed, his eyes on me. Watching me tiredly as I began to pull a pair of gloves on, and began to carefully extract the infection, wiping away the greenish yellow goop with some clean antibacterial wipes. I began to flush it out onto a towel, listening to the male grunt in pain, tears streamed down his face.

As I began to clean it up, I couldn't help but forget. Forget that he was a killer, that I was being haunted and taunted by some strange being, or that I had black outs, I even forgot about Liu, and all over I'm some kid putting a hello kitty band aid on a punks knee again.

~ flash back~

Jeff and I sat in his bedroom, leaning against his bed giggling on about the episode of Ed, edd, and Eddy we had just watched.

I wiped my tears away a bit, snorting back another laugh. " Oh man. I love double D so much. He's cute" I suddenly admitted, feeling my face flush as Jeff's eyes landed on me.

" Oh so someone has a cartoon crush, huh?" He teased, a smirk spreading across his lips as he threw his arm over the side of his bed, turning towards me with his shit eating grin. I looked away, I began to protest when his mom popped her head in

I Wish I was Never his FriendWhere stories live. Discover now