Chapter XIII

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Author's note: I am terribly sorry for not updating, I had my wrist fractured (again), writer's block, and no time because of exams. I know this chapter is quite boring, but it will lead up to a more interesting one, including a mission. That's all, and thank you all for everything. Stay safe<33


The fragrance of the baked sweets drew Ranpo in the kitchen after his deep, long sleep interrupted by his urge caused by them. Y/n was waiting for him, knowing he would appear.

"Y/n, I didn't know you cooked this well." said Ranpo munching on the baked sweets. Y/n smiled proudly. "Leave some for later, I am not cooking all day." Ranpo pouted at this statement.

"Y/n~~ I am bored" Ranpo sat on the couch, resting. Y/n was cautiously looking out the window. "Ranpo? Is it just me, or do our neighbours act...peculiar." said Y/n with a firm voice. Ranpo looked at her curiously. "Peculiar, how?" asked the detective with a sparkle of curiosity in his eyes, yet his voice was filled with knowledge.

As she inspected the view, she paused. Taking in all the details. "They seem almost isolated...judging by their body language...there is loads of tension. There is a man, and a woman. They might be engaged, or not. Their bins outside are also unusual. There are red traces almost overflowing from the bin. It can't be blood can it? And if it is, it's way too fresh." Her eyes widened slightly. "A kid stopped by their house earlier, right? I can't see him anymore. Plus, the man brought some tools inside that don't seem to be good for use in anything inside a house."

Ranpo looked at her, with his eyes opened once again, revealing a concerned look. He stood up, walked slowly towards Y/n and looked out the wide window. His eyebrows frown slightly, he proceeded to ask Y/n a question: "Are you concerned of the possibility that concerns me as well?-" But right when he finished his question, they both witnessed the man storm out. Like a powerful, demoniac creature, attacking the woman beside him. They both watched in horror, unable to react. Y/n finally spoke, in a quiet voice, whispering with a shaky voice "Ranpo...?"

His instinct was to get Y/n to stop looking at the tragedy occurring inside, but before he reached for her arm she rushed at the door. "Y/n! You can't leave the hideout!" yelled Ranpo quietly. "But I can't let this happen!" Stated Y/n, still shocked by the circumstances. Ranpo called Atsushi quickly, knowing that he was supposed to be close, bringing them supplies. Y/n walked over to the window again while Ranpo was briefly explaining what's happening. He lowered the phone quickly, looking at Y/n, concerned. "Y/n, stop looking. Atsushi is bringing back ups." He put his phone on the table, in front of the couch.

Y/n turned around, pale. She killed people with her own hands, but seeing something like this was shocking even for her. A man, overflowing with anger under the influence of alcohol; deduced Y/n by the empty bottles inside the apartament and his lost balance, beating up a woman.

Ranpo looked at her with mixed frustration and distress, observing her shock and pale face. He rushed towards the window. That's when he saw it.

The window covered in the same red shade as the one pouring for the bin. The woman's hand was visible on the stained glass, slowly sliding towards the lower part of it, disappearing in the end. Atsushi arrived with the police. Ranpo watched the whole scene, while Y/n was looking away. His eyes seemed indifferent. Narrowed, but he expected to see this.

He knew a murder would occur. He turned around slowly. "Y/n..." She turned around with a serious expression. "I'm okay, don't worry...but she..." she looked down, sadness was visible in her features. "I will go grab a water you want one?" asked Y/n while going towards the fridge. "Not right now." answered Ranpo firmly, looking at the police troops.

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