pregnancy with Taylor (requested)

Start from the beginning

Taylor always tried to remain patient with you and never take your mood swings personally.

She knew you couldn't control them so she didn't take them to heart.

But she did get taken off guard a few times.

Like the one time she made you some dry toast and fruit.

You had come downstairs, finally leaving the bed after a few days of feeling completely miserable.

She greeted you with a bright smile and a kiss on your cheek, only for you to scowl at her.

"I made you some toast and some fruit. I figured you might be getting burnt out on the same thing all the time and I thought you might want something different for a change. So, I got you some fruit." She said with a grin.

"Thanks." You mumbled as you sat down.

"Do you want some honey for your toast, honey?" She joked and laughed afterward, only for you to stare at her with your eyebrows furrowed.


You didn't seem happy with the way you replied and so Taylor went quiet.

"I'm not hungry. I feel sick again."

"How about some crackers?"

"No, Taylor! I said I don't feel good. Let me be!" You yelled before storming upstairs.

"Don't take it personally, Taylor, don't take it personally. It's not you." She told herself as she took a deep breath before going upstairs.

She found you sitting in bed in tears.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"It's okay, darling." She said as she came over to you. "These mood swings suck, don't they?"

You sniffled as she pulled you into her arms, nodding your head.

"I know, baby. They'll be gone soon, just like every other symptom that's no fun. And soon, we'll have a baby and it'll all be worth it."

You looked up at her and she wiped away your tears before giving you a sweet kiss.

"I love you." She told you.

"I love you too."


Another thing you and Taylor were excited about was hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

It was enough to bring you both to tears.

You still remember the day it happened.

You were at your first appointment and Taylor was holding your hand tight as she stared at the screen in awe, catching the first glimpse of the little human growing inside of you.

"That's our baby." She spoke as tears filled her eyes.

"Do you want to hear their heartbeat?"

"Yes!" Taylor quickly answered.

And it was the most beautiful sound ever.

Taylor was quick to pull out her phone and record it so she could keep it forever and play it whenever she wanted to hear it.

She might even put it in a song in the future, just as she did with her own heartbeat.

It was too beautiful to not share with the rest of the world.

And let's be honest, she's bound to write songs about your little one and how much she loves them.

She'd place their heartbeat in the song to make it even more special.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now