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-Diana's POV-

I walk down one of the isles in the library, I run my finger along the books trying to find the one I need. I stop, I take the book out and look at the cover of it.

Um...I'm in college-I have been for over two years now. It's...sure something.

To be completely honest and straight up, it's awful.

I have no friends, I've tried making them but I get all awkward and people just give me looks, so basically nobody wants to be my friend.. Of course, I told everyone at home that I've made friends, I just have an excuse why they can't meet my friends the odd time someone comes up to see me.

Well, it's mostly Jane and Beck, they come up once every month or two, get a hotel and check in with me. It's great because for once I'm not alone up here.

I go home for Christmas, spring break and summer...that's really all, so I haven't seen much of anyone and there's been so much tears because I'm always stressed and missing someone. Charlie cries on the phone with me sometimes...yeah, we're both like babies. I miss him though, I miss my best friend.

I mean, nobody even notices me here, my professors call me Diane or Dina if they notice me? But the worst thing is nobody laughs because they don't know my name...It's embarrassing, my anxiety has gotten ten times worse.

I have a job, that I work Monday evenings, Wednesdays and Saturdays, I work at a retro diner a little drive away.

If I'm not working then I'm studying, and god, I'm always studying. I'm supposed to be getting my bachelors degree then I'm off to law school...but I don't know how long more I can last here.

Especially when I miss a certain someone very very much.

Natalie. I miss her so much when I'm here, I always cry leaving her. I miss her cuddles, when she wraps her arms around me and kisses me until I'm laughing and my stomach hurts..

I smile thinking about her, our relationship is great. Of course, we have the often argue when we're both stressed over the phone. She always seems tired recently so she's not too happy. It's been four months since I last seen her, yeah...we're both just so busy with school. We still call every night and we make it work. Sometimes I have to go outside, since my roommate Amber-who doesn't like me at all, complains about me talking. It's fine though, she's usually out with her friends or staying at their dorms.

I check my phone doing a double take. Shit. I put the book back quickly, struggling, of course.

I run....I literally run down back down the book aisle, I almost bump into someone but quickly move past them. I'm late for my lecture, anthropology.


My professor is a grump! He's going to murder me. I thought they weren't supposed to be strict here-that's what I heard but it's the complete opposite.

I run down the hall quickly, I am not fit for this...I'm pretty sure I have asthma. I keep running though, I turn the corner bumping right into someone.

Of course, I'm the one to fall back on my ass with an 'oomph'.

"Oh dear." I look up quickly almost snapping my neck to see a brunette woman. I look down and I knocked everything from her hands which is a lot of papers.

"Shit-I'm sorry, I was rushing for class. I'm late." I kneel up picking up all the papers quickly, scrunching them a little making me cringe.

"That's fine, may I ask...where is the anthropology hall?" She questions...

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