Chapter 6 - matchmaker

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Trevor's point of view

I woke up and decided to make breakfast for everyone, I can be nice sometimes. When I walk past Jamie's door, I see that it's wide open, and his bed is untouched. That only means one thing, he's still with Lily. I decide to just make them their breakfast and then I'll wake them up and embarrass them.

I finish cooking, i made eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Am i the best cook in the house? No, Jamie is but i think i do a pretty good job. I go to wake them up and let's just say, she was not happy.

"What do you want Zegras?" She says as she rolls over into Jamie.

"I made you two breakfast, get up." I say. Jamie basically jumps out of bed. Lily just groans and covers her head with the blankets.

"Get up sleepy head." Jamie says as he pulls the blankets.

"Drysdale. If you keep pulling this blankets, i will not hesitate to-"

"Hesitate to do what? Revoke his cuddle privileges?" I ask as i start laughing

"Hey don't give her ideas." Jamie says also laughing. "But seriously Lily, get up. We can go to the beach or something." Lily gets up after that.

"Wow Jimmy, I really didn't think you'd be able to get her out of the bed." I say laughing.

"Only because he said beach. If i don't get the beach, you're a dead man Drysdale." She says shooting him a glare.

"You'll get the beach, i promise." He says laughing

"Anyways lovebirds, I made breakfast."

"Trevor Zegras. It is too early for your shit. So shut up." She says to me.

"It's 9:30, I think you'll live." Jamie says laughing at her.

"Jamie. Shush. Right now." She says staring at him. He just laughs at her and hands her a plate.

After we all chill and eat we decide to start getting ready for the beach. She wasn't as grumpy as she was before this morning, but she was still grumpy. When we got to the beach, it's like her whole attitude went away. Me and Jamie immediately went running to the water. She just laid on a towel with her book in her hand... boring.

While Jamie and I are in the water we decide that we're gonna mess with her. He's gonna get her to stand up, and then I'll pick her up and throw her into the water.

"Let's go" I say laughing. We started walking up to her.

"Hey Lils." He says to her.

"Hey Jimmy. Hey Z. What's up?" She asks.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" He asks her. I knew that would get her standing, because she got up almost instantly.

"Sure. You coming too, Z?" She asks me.

"Nope," Is all i say, before I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. "you ready Jamie?"

"Let's do this!" He yells as we start running towards the water.

"No! Trevor come on! Put me down!" She yells as she tries to get out of my grip, but it's too late because she's in the water now.

"I hate you both." She says as she crosses her arms, laughing slightly.

"You could never hate us." Jamie says looking at her. That man is whipped.

"Yea what he said." And then suddenly, her head ducks under water. Neither of us know where she's at, until I'm under water. She had dragged me under water with her.

"That's what you get." She says laughing at me.

"Damn Lily you're ruthless." Jamie says laughing.

"Don't start laughing. You're next." She says as she starts chasing him. I wonder when those two will start dating, they already act like a couple.

Fearless (Jamie's Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant