Chapter 14***

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A/N: The picture above is of Leo. Hunter Hayes. 

Chapter 14:

Kat's P.O.V

Screaming, that's all I could do, scream. This wasn't where I wanted to be, I wanted to be with Jake... wait, what? I groaned sitting up from where I was lying on the ground, which was covered in blood. Whose blood it was, I couldn't tell, since the bodies of Jake, Felix, Ellen, Sam, Phoebe, Dad and Saskia were everywhere around me, their blood on me also.

I screamed again when I saw the bodies were beginning to move. My eyes widened and I turned around to be stopped my Andy, what the hell?

"Andy, can you see this?" Andy furrowed his brows,

"You're Kat aren't you?" I nodded,

"Yeah Andy, what's going on with you." Andy shrugged but looked around scared,

"I'm trapped somewhere, how did you get here?" I was confused,

"What do you mean? I fainted and it's the last thing I remember is talking to the boys... and Ellen." Andy's face lit up,

"Ellen? Is she okay?" I nodded creeped out at the fact he cared for her a little too much. I was about to talk again when he started to fade. My eyes widened as arms wrapped around my waist and I was thrown awake, sweating and screaming, clinging onto Felix.

"Shh, sh, sh Kat it is okay, I'm here." Felix's words made me cling to him harder, my arms almost choking him.

"Holy fuck... Felix... it was so real, you're alive?" Felix nodded,

"What happened Kat? What do you remember?" I sighed and pulled from Felix to see Ellen sitting right next to me. I moved over to her and gave her a big hug, which she instantly returned,

"Are you sure okay?" I nodded,

"Yeah, just a bit... shaken up." Ellen nodded but it was obvious she and Felix didn't believe me,

"What happened?" I sighed and began,

"I remember talking to you and the boys, then fainting... then I woke up... I was surrounded by darkness, and then everyone showed up... it was Jake, you two, Sam, Dad, Phoebe and Saskia. Then we were talking... I can't remember what about, when you all dropped to the floor dead, covered in blood. I dropped to the floor myself in tears because..." I choked up...

"Because I, in everyone's blood." Ellen and Felix gasped,

"What kind of dreams do you have?" I shook my head,

"I don't think it was a dream... it felt too real but then Andy showed up and we started talking. He asked about Ellen, and that seemed normal... I guess, but he couldn't see the bodies. I felt like a freak when suddenly I woke up... and here I am." Felix furrowed his brows and pulled me close into a hug, Ellen jumped on the other side of me and did the same,

"Oh, Kat, you don't deserve to see something like that. Do you know what caused it?" I shook my head at Ellen,

"No, but I don't think it was me. I think I actually communicated with Andy." The hug was then broken as the two pulled away. Felix spoke first,

"You can't be serious?" I nodded,

"Yeah, I think it was really him... I... when I fainted I felt like I was going to fall through one of those tears again, but maybe my mind did fall through and I ended up there. And because there was a tear here, when you woke me up, I came back." Felix stopped and thought about it for a moment.

"That may actually be possible," Ellen gasped,

"You can't be serious!" Felix nodded grimly,

"I don't know if it is actually possible, but it may have happened, we need to keep open minds with stuff like magic." Ellen nodded and jumped up off of the bed,

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