Chapter 2***

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Chapter 2:

Oh my god... I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I frowned when no one answered the door.

"Oh god, please don't kill me," I chanted as I pushed opened the door and slowly moved into the room. I was mad when I saw Jake lying on his bed, but it instantly dissipated when I saw he was asleep with a set of headphones sitting on his head. His dirty blonde hair hanging over his forehead slightly covering the top of his face, his blue eyes hidden by his eyelids, but the redness around them shows that he too, had been missing sleep.

I didn't want to wake the sleeping boy, but I wanted a hug from my friend. It's weird; I haven't seen him in almost two weeks. And I feel like I haven't seen him in two years. I smiled at the thought and knew in that moment I had to wake him up.

I slowly walked over to the bed and sat on the side of it, the card in my hand. With my other hand, I gently pulled his headphones off and sat them on the table next to his bed. With the hand I used to pull Jake's headphones off with, I placed it on his shoulder and quickly shook him. This caused him to fuss,

"Get off me, Felix." I stifled a laugh and shook his again,

"Felix seriously fuck off. Unless there is something attacking us, I want. To. Sleep." I frowned and pulled my hand away. What would attack you out in the ranges? Possums, wallabies, stupid drunk townies?

"Jake... it's me, Katrina." Jake stopped fussing and opened his eyes to look at me,

"Kat, What are you doing here?" I frowned, and got up off the bed and picking up my bag off the floor,

"Sorry, Jake... I um... got you this. Bye," I literally dropped the card on the floor, turned and ran out of Jake's room. Not letting him say a word to me. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Jake didn't see me as a friend, he just saw me as someone he knew and was 'nice' too. Please, nice my ass.

As I fled the house I didn't even bother looking back as I went home.

Jake's P.O.V

What was Kat doing here? I blushed when I realised she saw me sleeping. I shook that from my head and pulled myself from my bed where I had accidentally fallen asleep. I looked at the blue envelope on the floor and picked it up. Did she get me a card? Why? I frowned as I ripped it opened and pulled out the card.

I smiled when I saw the cover. It had 'Welcome Home' written across the top of it, with a cute little tabby underneath it smiling. I instantly knew why she chose this card. I opened it up and grinned even wider when I saw her curly handwriting. As I read it aloud,

'Dear Jake,

Welcome home. I... don't really know what to write, and I hope you like the card. I hope its katty enough for you. Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome home and I missed not having you here.

Bye. Love Kat.'

My grin vanished when I realised, she must have thought I didn't see her as a friend, and that's why she left. Oh, damn it. I jumped from the bed finding the nearest shoes I could find, which happened to be the ones I was wearing when I got 'lost' with the others.

I bolted out the door and after Kat. Hopefully, I could catch up to her... but I don't know where she could be. I scanned the street, and at the end of it, I saw someone all dressed in black. I had to take a chance; it was going to be one of three people. I sighed and ran as fast as I could to the figure and it wasn't Kat, but it was Ellen, Felix and Kat's friend.

"Hey Ellen," I called. Ellen slowly turned to face me with a slight glare on her face. She crossed her arms and took in who I was,

"What do you want?" I frowned,

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