16 • Little does she know...

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"you look at me, i look at you, with nothing to say..."

Okay yes, she enjoyed her stay in Argentina but nothing else advanced. Her and Leo once again acted liked friends, but that's what they were after all. Ivana couldn't help but think she was being delusional, she hated the thought. She wanted to be wanted, more specifically by Lionel Messi.

"Vana, what are you doing?" Olivia snapped her fingers in front of her friends face, apparently Ivana had been zoned out and completely disregarded whatever her friends was trying to tell her. She caught three words, dinner, funny, Neymar. Wait Neymar?

"Neymar?!" The older girl seemed to still be recovering from her temporary black out.

"I know you haven't been listening to dap I've been saying so spill, what is up with you?" Olivia placed both hands on her hips. "Ever since you got back from South America..." Her voice trailed off.

She knew, fuck, fuck. She knew that her strange behavior had something to do with Leo. She tried so hard to pretend everything was okay, she really did. But it wasn't. Anyone with a half brain could figure that out with just one glance at her, she was a mess. In all honesty Ivana felt like climbing to the highest roof in Spain and throwing herself off, with a parachute of course. She felt suffocated, the feeling of not being wanted, it stung.

"That bastard." Olivia grumbled. "I'll kill him, I don't care that he's Messi. What did he do?"

"No, nothing." She brushed it off. "Just me, me and my dumb thoughts." She chuckled nervously, she was clearly not okay.

"Ivana, you know you can tell me anything." She took her hands and looked at her. "In fact, you will tell me everything. Go ahead I'm listening."

And so she did. Ivana couldn't lie to Olivia, she was her best friend, so she spilled the whole story. From when she finally acknowledged her feelings to the kiss, to spending time with his parents. Olivia just sat and listened, sometimes saying a thing or two in between it letting out a gasp as she heard about the airport kiss.

After telling the whole story Ivana felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders, she had been bottling all her feelings and it really wasn't healthy. Of course she still felt a little down but her mood increased significantly now that her friend was aware of her issues.

"So." Olivia cleared her throat.


"Do you plan on talking to him?" She had to, I mean they clearly wanted each other but just didn't know it.

"What?!" Ivana asked as if that was the craziest idea she had ever heard. "No, way."

"You're not planning on avoiding him, right?" Olivia seemed hopeful.

"I-." She thought about it, maybe I should. "I don't know?" Ivana shrugged.

"Oh Lord." The younger girl took a deep breath, she can't be serious? "Ivana, you can't do that, he likes you I'm sure. He's stupid not to."

"I'm not putting myself in that situation again, thank you very much." She forced a smile, fuck this.
"He doesn't like me, I have to accept that Liv."

"Hm," Olivia thought about it. "He'll make the first move soon, trust." She immediately grabbed her phone and began typing.


give me messi's number.


im dead serious.

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