Ch.17- Im not going anywhere, nerd

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Bakugou and Mic cautiously entered the room, their footsteps muffled by the heavy atmosphere. The sight that greeted them left Bakugou stunned and speechless.

Todoroki sat there, his usually composed demeanor shattered, eyes wide with shock and concern. At the center of it all was Midoriya, tears streaming down his face as he clung tightly to Aizawa, who had a surprisingly gentle hand on his back.

Bakugou's eyebrows shot up, his usual fiery temper momentarily extinguished by the unexpected scene before him. He blinked a few times, trying to process what he was witnessing. "What. the. fuck."

Mic, sensing the tension, nudged Bakugou with his elbow, whispering, "Never seen Shota like this before... You sure his quirk isn't tear related?"
Then, for the first time since entering the room, seeing the kids blue screen of death expression as the usually explosive blonde tries to comprehend what he's looking at.
"Looks like Midoriya used kitten tears, it was super effective!" Mic says in his best Pokémon announcer voice while also trying to be as quiet as possible ( a struggle for him). He's trying to help Bakugou, not earn another lecture from his surprisingly soft husband.

Bakugou snapped out of his stupor, his face flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. "Shut up, Mic! This isn't the time for your stupid jokes!"

Mic chuckled, but then his expression softened as he glanced at Midoriya. "No, you're right. It's not. We should approach this with care."

Bakugou took a deep breath, his usual bluster returning. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But seriously, Icy Hot, what the hell happened here?"

Todoroki, still shocked by the revelation that his best friend had been hiding the fact that he's been an orphan for months now, managed to find his voice. "It's... not my secret to tell. But right now, we need to be here for Midoriya."
"What do you mean 'not your secret'! I'm practically his brother! Don't I have a right to know?!"
Explosions started to build up from Bakugou's palms, but Mic redirected his gaze towards Midoriya and he instantly calmed.
Bakugou looked back heartbroken at his childhood friend, who was slowly calming down in Aizawa's embrace. He watched as the tears subsided, leaving Midoriya looking vulnerable and exhausted.

Bakugou's voice softened, laced with concern. "Deku... What the hell is going on?"

Midoriya's drying eyes teared up once more, leading Aizawa to take a more protective stance, sitting on the bed next to his problem child and pulling him into a tight embrace before allowing Midoriya to turn around and speak, keeping a steady hand on his shoulder, pulling him into a side hug as Midoriya leaned into his touch like a lost kitten. Aizawa whispered in his ear. "You don't have yo tell him if you don't want to, but he could help. Just don't feel pressured to do it all today. No matter what I'm proud if you."
Midoriya just nods before taking a deep breath and making direct eye contact with a surprisingly desperate Bakugou.
"It's... my mom, Kacchan"
Bakugou does a double take. Mic couldn't help but stifle a laugh at how confused the boy seemed. Then he remembered the situation and quickly shut himself up before anyone could notice.
After running through every possible scenario in his head and coming up at a complete loss Bakugou hesitantly speaks.
"Auntie Inko? What about her?"

Katsuki notices the flinch deku gives at the mention of her name and immediately knows that she whatever comes next is not going to be good news.
"Kacchan... She's dead"
Of all the things he had prepared for it certainly wasn't that.
"She died Kacchan"
"No! No! I don't believe you! What do you mean she died! We would have known! My mom would have told me! When? How?"
"2 years ago... it was kept under wraps. She was killed in a villain attack because of a hero's negligence. The commission covered it up. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone..."

"Why didn't you tell me? Or my mom? Surely she's an exception! They were best friends, doesn't she deserve to know?"

Midoriya sniffled, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. "I... I'm sorry, Kacchan. I didn't want to burden you."

Bakugou's expression softened once more.
"Izuku, we're family, aren't we? We're supposed to face things together, no matter how tough. Don't you dare think you can go through all this shit alone."

Midoriya's lips quivered, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry.. I know I messed up. Please, just please don't leave. They said anyone I told would be in danger... I didn't want to lose you too."

Bakugou's expression softened, a mix of anger and sadness flickering in his eyes. "You idiot."
He sighed, almost sounding more exhausted than Aizawa... almost.
His features softened further, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. He approached Midoriya, pulling him into a firm, yet surprisingly gentle, embrace. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, got it?"

Midoriya's grip on Bakugou tightened, his sobs slowly turning into quiet sniffles. He nodded, finding solace in his friend's presence.

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