She turned her attention back to the notebook, telling herself that she wasn't a patient in this hospital anyway, that she'd be leaving soon and wouldn't have anything to write in it.

Hana hated this place even more than she could have imagined.

A hospital represents sickness and bad things.

The atmosphere in a hospital is never pleasant and having people tell you that everything is going to be all right is the worst thing for her, because she knows that no, everything is not going to be all right.

The nurses hooked Hana up to a machine to check her pulse and blood pressure, then they left the room.

Hana took two deep breaths and felt that the next two days were going to be very long.

After a few minutes, Hana thought her brain was going to explode from the sound of her heartbeat echoing around the room.

It was torture.

She had been in the room for an hour, looking out of the window at the birds flying by. The sky was overcast today and the sun's rays didn't pierce any clouds. It wasn't a nice day.

Hana turned her attention back to the small notebook that had not moved from her bedside table and decided to take it. She opened it and wondered what she could write in it.

Her thoughts quickly turned to the young boy she had bumped into yesterday.

The boy who had brought her a little ray of sunshine, despite the clouds hanging over her head.

She picked up the pen and began to make a list of things she would like to do before the Grim reaper lost his grip on her.

She had just finished her list when someone knocked to her door. Her eyes widened when Riki entered in her room accompanied by a nurse.

He was carrying a rucksack and had a big smile on his face. He blushed slightly and the nurse spoke up, "This is Riki, he's going to help you with your homework." she said, not knowing that they already knew each other.

She quickly left, leaving the two teenagers together in the room.

Riki looked at Hana like she was the worst thing he could see, but he tried to hide it as much as possible.

She was in a white outfit and wires were connected to her whole body.

This room was dark and the walls were neutral. The window showed nothing but grey clouds, maybe it was even going to rain in an hour or two.

The young boy never needed to go to the hospital for anything serious, but for her it was different. He didn't really know what it felt like to spend days bored here.

Hana quickly closed her notebook and Riki questioned her as he moved closer to the edge of her bed, "What is it, Hana ?"

"Nothing you'd be interested in."

"Strangely enough, I'm interested." he said, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

Hana couldn't take her eyes off him, he looked different from yesterday, as if he'd changed.

He looked much more confident and handsome than yesterday. Her heartbeat began to quicken and echo throughout the room.

Riki said with a wink, "It's me who's doing this to you ?" then he quickly took her notebook from her hand.

Hana stood up quickly, but was soon blocked by all the wires she was connected to.

Riki raised his notebook in the air so that Hana couldn't even touch it and opened the first page. He took a few steps away before lowering the notebook to read its contents.

"Oh Hana, you've made a list !" he said, looking up with a small smile. Hana was still standing, her arms at her sides as if they were too heavy for her.

Riki quickly lost his smile. "Lie down Hana, and rest a little."

"I'm not tired, Riki." she said as she lay back on her bed.

He moved closer to her and sat down at her feet.

"Can I read it ?" he asked, knowing full well that he would read this list sooner or later.

Hana turned her head towards the glass and crossed her arms. "After all, you're the one who gave me the idea."


thank you for reading this far <3
I'll try to write better in the future ;)
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