as everyone hissed again IN CORUS (some within their mind and some vocally hissed in loud voice) 


They immediately alarmed everyone and also reported to the near by police station and also informed the chief of the police immediately..... 

as he was the one who assigned few bunch of mufty police for patrolling and security 

bo's nanna shattered and slumped down with no strengthen in her legs and body and mind and soul.... 

zhan's nanna was the one who should take care of these things..... so she did her best to coup up with the situation . 

he helped her dear friend with care 

even some police officers helped the elderly women who lost all her hope and shattered there like soul lost body....


truth is always a bitter truth isinit...

As the truth was trancing out louder and wilder -  Bo's nanan was unable to take it anymore.

yes - bo's nanna was unable to take in these shrieks  of shocks anymore as they were too much to handle for an elder that her tears broke like showers of thunderous rain adn veils hailing out loud .... she was mumbling on the cold  floor in dazed state . She was only able  hiss her miserable state " i never wanted my daughter to marry such a man ever " and she started crying bitterly. And zhan's nanna hugged Bo's nanan tightly but still her heart and mind was wailing within 

" I never wanted my daughter to marry such a man ever , i knew with so much power and money love is impossible for any human ( nanna is referring to the wealth and powered bo's grandpa and grand ma held before as they were raw milllioners even before bo was born so obviously bo is sole heir of their entre property  after their blood daughter /bo's birth mother ) but i never wanted my daughter to end up with such a man....  i just wanted her to have a good happy normal family with a husband and children .... Why all these happened to my baby boy. He (bo's birth father ) was not like this initially he was a good gentleman but all these changed when money started growing within his hands.....and greed followed in... that they couldn't even spare their own child "

bo's nanna hugged zhan's nanna and wailed loudly crushing her self to her dear friend hands roughly

"i never wanted my daughter to marry such a man and he was not the man who he is today .... he was a good guy ..... He even abided to our only  condition - to not make my daughter pregnant for an year time ( as they/bo's grandparents  knew it well and good , if he has married their daughter for money and property he will be in a hurry to make a heir to snatch all the property but that was not the case . until bo's father established himself as a small businessman  be accepted to bo's grandparents wish to not even get married but it was bo's mamma - who made it possible till their marriage as she was a strong stubborn women - just like their parents/bo's grandparents - but still wihta condition of no heir for a year time..... )  He abided with our only  promise and only when he established his own work my daughter got pregnant then why all these . he was not like this initially . 

"Why did they end up destroying a happy family by divorcing ... Why did they not think about my poor boy who lost everything . why did they not think about my baby boy's  life -  about his feeling - about his suffering  - about his future. Why did they not think about my baby boy. why did they do this to my poor bbay....."

"And why would they both blame bo for everything when he is just a innocent baby who knows nothing - not even about his true self yet...... why....why....even my daughter ditched her own son and got married to her friend when they divorced. What is all this . "

nanna was crying very loudly 

it was such a hopeless and helpless situation that no one can console her in anyway 

and no few soothing talks can sooth  her pain

"Why is my child treated like this .. what is that barsterd planning to do to my baby boy .oh my poor baby ..... . 

Nanan was wailing all along....

And she hissed aloud in cries continuously  " my poor bobo" 

But within all these heptic commotions..... little did they realize someone carried bo like a sack of potatoes at his shoulders and left the house from back gate and took the boat and left the place in silence........ 

{{{{ any guesses guys who that little culprit is.....who abducted out cute booooo. like a sack of potato'ssssss}}} 



'his Shinigami (Zhan❣ bo  FF) - MpregUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum