Meanwhile at the boy hostel, Syamzul and Acap approached Aleya with heavy hearts, their expressions etched with grief and remorse. They could see the frustration in Aleya's eyes, her brows furrowed in confusion. As they shared the devastating news of Zulhelme's untimely demise, Aleya's initial shock quickly transformed into suspicion, her gaze darting between the two of them.

"Zulhelme is dead? How did this happen?" Aleya's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and accusation. "What did you two do?"

Syamzul's eyes widened, hurt flickering across his face. "Aleya, it was an accident. We never intended for any harm to come to Zulhelme. We were trying to save him, not cause his death."

Acap's voice joined Syamzul's, filled with desperation. "Please, Aleya, you have to believe us. Zulhelme's death was a tragic accident. We never meant for any of this to happen."

But Aleya's suspicion lingered, her emotions spiraling out of control. The weight of grief, combined with the sinister nature of the game, had twisted her perception. In a whirlwind of anger and disbelief, she lashed out, her hands flying as she slapped Syamzul across the face. The resounding sound echoed through the air, leaving a tense silence in its wake.

Syamzul recoiled, shock etched on his features. The sting of the slap mingled with the ache in his heart, his voice strained with hurt. "Aleya, please, listen to reason. We're all in this together. We never wanted to cause harm to Zulhelme."

Acap, consumed by a mix of guilt and frustration, stepped forward to defend his friend. His voice trembled as he confronted Aleya. "You don't understand, Aleya. We're all victims of this game, and we need each other now more than ever. We need to find the truth and uncover the real culprits."

Emotions ran high as Aleya's suspicion grew stronger. The room seemed to crackle with tension as the trio argued, each voice competing to be heard. Their words blended together, an explosive mix of accusation, anger, and desperation. Punches were thrown, tears were shed, and the drama unfolded in a chaotic flurry.

Amidst the chaos and tension, Suzie's arrival sent shockwaves through the room. Her presence brought a temporary lull in the escalating conflict as the trio turned their attention towards her.

Suzie's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her, the turmoil etched on each of their faces. Sensing the urgency of the situation, she hurriedly approached them, her voice filled with concern.

"What's happening? Why are you all fighting?" Suzie's gaze darted from one person to another, searching for answers.

Aleya, her face flushed with anger, pointed an accusing finger at Syamzul and Acap. "Suzie, they... they're responsible for Zulhelme's death! They pushed him!"

Syamzul and Acap exchanged glances, a mixture of frustration and desperation etched on their faces. Before they could defend themselves, Suzie interjected, her tone pleading.

"Wait, everyone, calm down. We need to find the truth, not tear each other apart. Aleya, I understand your anger, but accusing without evidence won't solve anything."

Aleya crossed her arms, her suspicion still lingering, but she reluctantly nodded, realizing the importance of finding the truth.

Suzie continued, her voice determined yet compassionate. "We're all in this together, trapped in this game. Let's set aside our differences and focus on finding the real culprits. Blaming one another won't bring Zulhelme back or lead us to the answers we seek."

Her words resonated with each of them, stirring a sense of unity amidst the turmoil. A momentary truce settled among the group as they realized the importance of solidarity.