the started (PART 2)

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Leah look unfazed by everyone sudden screams." Its true, I saw it on the news." Noah said as Elene nodded as she confirm it." Yeah, i saw it as well. Its pretty insane that she manage to stop the helicopter all by herself." Elena said as miles, gwen and the other young spider heroes look at Leah in awe." How about we go back focusing on reacting??" Leah asked as she felt little uncomfortable at the stares. Everyone nodded before looking back to the screen.

"At first, she was scared and disappointed at me but understand that i been doing this for many years and very supportive towards to me. Not to mention, overprotective for me when i came home, covered with cuts and bruises." 

"Your aunt really loves you very much huh??" peter asked as Leah nodded and smile." She's the only family i have after all. And she will do everything just to keep my identity secret." Leah said with a smile on her face.

"Then my aunt announced that we need to move to brooklyn. Which is cool. I made a friend, Noah Diaz, whom i saved from getting hit by a truck." the scene shows Leah swing down and scoop Noah in her arm as she safely put him on the ground safety before he almost hit by a truck.

"Ooh, almost died thanks to that truck huh??" Miles asked as Noah shivered." You have no idea how terrified i was. I feel like my life just flashed before my eyes." Noah said making Leah snickered a bit.

"He somehow found out that i'm 'The Spider-Lily.'. He fainted right after that." The scene shows how shock was Noah before fainted right in front unmasked Leah, who just stared down at his unconscious figure with blank look on her face.

Everyone laughs or snickered or chuckle after seeing that as Noah looks embarrassed." You told him your identity??" Gwen asked as she looks at Leah." Well, he did manage to figure out thanks to my voice. So he instantly knew that it was me. But he wasn't expecting that its really me." Leah answered him." So, you supposed to keep your identity complete hidden but your friend manage to find out your identity already??" Ironhide asked as Leah nodded at another autobot." Yep."

"And I am also friends with his little brother, Kris." the scene change as it revealed young boy, looking happily at Leah." Poor kid, he was sick and Noah and his mother are trying their best to pay the bills that was pilling up at the hospital." Leah peek through the window as she watch sulking figure of Noah and his tired mother, who was checking the bills of the hospital.

Leah and Noah frown as Leah pat her best friend's shoulder." Don't worry. We'll find the way to help your brother Noah." Leah said to him as Noah smile thankfully at his best friend." Is your brother is sick??" Miles asked as Noah nodded." Yes." he said. "If i may, what is your younger brother's sickness??" Ratchet asked as he look curious and concern for the youngling." sickle cell disease, is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affect hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the body." Leah explained to him with a frown on her face. Ratchet frown at this.

"So, as Noah best friend, i did my b est to help them. While giving some of my own saving that i make during my time as an artist or animator." The scene shows Leah drawing something or animating on a large tablet before her with focus expression on her face.

Those who are artists, perk up." Wait, you draw??" Miles asked as Leah nodded." Yeah. Im studying arts after all in college though." Leah answered." I can show some of my arts after this if you wanted to." Leah offer as Miles nodded with a grin on his face as Sunstreaker look at her with curious optics but didn't show it as he keep his disgust look on his faceplate.

"Noah try to tell that their fine but i threaten him to accept it or ace my fure with slippers, which he did much to Kriss amusement." the scene shows Leah threatening Noah to accept her money that she made with a slipper in her hand, making Noah quickly took it much to Kriss amusement and made his day.

Everyone snickered at this, especially those who are latin and have hispanic mothers, shiver in fear." Fear the chancla." Miles mumbled as he shivered." You threaten him with a chancla??" Gwen asked with amuse on her face." Yep." Leah said, arms cross on her chest with a smirk on her face." Are you sure your from philippines??" asked Peter." I am. The spain have left their culture to us so we mixed it into a filipino traditions. Like in spanish, Puto is a curse word correct?? ours means a small food cake." Leah said with a smirk on her face." Ya, and i thought you just call me bitch and you didn't tell me that you're offering a small like cake." Noah said to her deadpan look on his face." You never ask."

"Also, Noah and Kris helps me during my night patrol. They speak through the coms that i made, so we can communicate. Kris likes to call me Lotus Lily, because its my favorite flower. Which i allow him to call me that. Noah, on the other hand, will not allow to call me that."

"Favorism." Noah mumble making Leah playfully nudge him.

"Anyway, we are getting off the topic here but hey, something happen during my night patrol" the scene change into night day where Leah was on night patrol, landing on the roof of the building." I heard someone stoled a vehicle and was being chased down by police. I went there to capture the running theif only to find it was Noah." 

Noah freeze a bit as Leah slowly turn her head to look at him with piss look on her face." Noah. Diaz." she growl at him as Noah slowly duck away from her in fear." Ooh, someone is pissed." Mirage said, snickering a bit." Human stealing a car? not bad for a human." one of the decepticons said smirking as Autobots just glared at them making all the decepticons glared back at them.

"Can we focus on the movie?? please?" pleaded Noah as Leah glared at him before returning her attention back to the screen.

"Which i was disappointed at him before i knew it. We became entangled in a three-sided war between Autobots, Maximals, and Terrorcons in fight against Unicron."

The autobots, Decepticons, and Maximals tense up when they heard her mention that name." What??" Optimus said in shock and disbelief." Impossible, Unicron is not real! he's just a myth!" Starscream said while the Maximals remain silent as ever as they stared at the screen in shock.

Miles leans to Gwen and whispered." Why are they talking about a unicorn??" Gwen look at him." I think you mean Unicron Miles. Not Unicorn." she whispered to him.

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