part 25

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tom gets here after about 5 minutes,my mom let's him in and he comes up stairs to my room,i was laying there trailing my finger up and down on the scar that's on my stomach zoned out,he comes in "y/n?" he says "oh hey" i say and look at him,he sits next to me "how are u doing?" he asks "i'm doing fine,i just can't really stop thinking about it" i say "have you gone back to school yet?"i asks him "they have school closes for a bit so we won't be going for a while" he says and leans back.We talk for a while and flirt and laugh and everything,i get a text from that guy
hey why did u like totally ghost me??
                               omg i'm so sorry i've gone through a lot,the day we were supposed to meet i got shot and had to be in the hospital and didn't even think of it sorry

it's okay but are you okay though?
                                i'm doing fine but we can definitely make plans at some point

sounds great ttyl
                                        i never got your name

it's victor and i already know yours y/n
yea yea
end of conversation
i smile a little at my phone and turn it off "why are you smiling?" tom says "oh just this guy" i say laughing a little "oh..i see" he says and has a bit of a jealous look on his face "anyway are you hungry?" i say changing the topic "yeah a little bit" he says "let's go get something" i say getting up and putting my shoes on,we walk to his car and get in,he starts driving and we start talking about random stuff,we decided on a random place.We get out and he starts to order and i go pick our table,tom comes over and sits and waits to be called,i was staring at him and didn't even realize until he looks at me and smiles a little then looks away,i look away kinda embarrassed.A few minutes go by and they call our order,tom goes and gets it,as i'm waiting a guy comes up to me "your y/n right?" he asks "uhm who's asking?" i say confused "it's victor your fake boyfriend" he says laughing a little "omg hi i didn't even know who you were" i say "yeah i seen you and decided to come say hi" he says sitting next to me,time comes back and see him and has a jealous confused look on his face "uhm who are you?" he asks setting the food down "i'm victor" he says "uhh,yeahh he's we were gonna have that day yk.." i say "oh,we'll me and y/n we're just kinda hangi-" tom says but gets interrupted "i'm sure y/n wouldn't mind me being here right?" he says looking at tom right in the eye "oh uhm sure" i say kinda nervously.
Toms pov:
who tf was this guy and why was he being so flirty with y/n,it was pissing me off.We start eating and this guy and y/n are sharing fries. acting like a couple,i started to get more annoyed,today me and y/n were supposed to hang out,he wasn't invited at all.We decided to get icecream,As we're walking they were talking and laughing and i was just standing to the side listening,we get to the place and this guy look at y/n and says "hey i gotta go but i'll talk to you later"he then looks at me and just gives me a look and leaves,i just wanted to smack him upside his head but i didnt "what's wrong tom" y/n asks me as we sit down "nothing" i say coldly "are you jealous" she says teasingly,i roll my eyes and then a worker comes up to get our order,we order our icecream and wait,i finally stop ignoring y/n and start talking to her,we were out until 8 pm,we decided to go to my house and hang out there.We run upstairs to my room,i hear laughing coming from bills room,i'm guessing it was sara,we go inside my room and y/n lays on my bed immediately "ugh i'm so tired" y/n says closing her eyes,i lay next to her on my stomach.she gets a text and she looks at it,i see her smile and i start to get a little jealous knowing she was texting that guy.
Y/ns pov:
i get a text and it's victor,he asked me if i wanted to hang out tomorrow,i was smiling at the text cause i was sorta falling for him..
i look over at tom and he was on his phone texting someone,i look away and reply to victor saying yes.Me and victor talk for a bit then he started asking me really personal questions,but i thought that was just how flirting was.He asked me stuff like am i a virgin and other personal stuff.After a while he asked me to go to the bathroom and take a picture for him,i texted him saying i'm not comfortable doing that but he started begging,i hesitated then got up "i'll be back i gotta use the bay rq" i said to tom and went to my bathroom,he looked at me like her knew what was happening,i was feeling uncomfortable but i did it anyway,i took my tops off and took a quick photo and sent it to him,i get dressed and go back out.I start to get nervous regretting it,i get off my phone and decide to bother tom,i grab his phone and throw it somewhere "hey rude" he says sitting up "i'm bored" i say hanging off the bed  slowly sliding off it "wanna watch a movie"tom says and grabs my arm so i don't fall off "yeahhhh" i say and grab his arm so i can pull myself up,he runs downstairs to his kitchen to get snacks while i pick out the movie.I picked a random horror movie,tom comes back with a bunch of snacks and sits down "i gotta use the bathroom rq" i say and get up walking out.
Toms pov:
y/n went to the bathroom but left her phone,her phone was going off non stop,i didn't want to but i go on her phone to see what was happening,her phone was already unlocked so i didn't have to figure out the password,i see it was a bunch of text messages from that guy,y/n told me his name was tom but the name said victor,i was guessing she was lying.I look through the messages and see he was begging for pictures,i see the picture she sent to him and seen the text saying she wasn't comfortable,he sent a bunch of pictures of himself,i get disgusted and wait for y/n to come back in.After about 5 minutes she comes back in "y/n what is this?is he forcing you to do stuff?"i ask standing up "omg tom" she says and takes the phone back "why were u looking through my phone" she asks "it was going off like crazy" i said "we'll next time let me know and no he's not forcing me to do anything,that is our business none of yours" she snaps at me "whatever" i say and leave my room,i go into bills room and he was just sitting infront of his mirror staring at himself "hey" he says as i lay on his bed "what's wrong" bill asks "i think i'm in love with y/n"

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