part 27

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I wake up to toms head on my chest,he was sleeping and has his arms wrapped around my waist,i touch my lip and hiss at the pain,i try to get up but toms grip tightens,i sigh and grab my phone,there was a message from victor
hey babe i'm sorry about what i did,you know how i get sometimes lol
victor i wanna break up with you,i'm tired of you hurting me cause of your "angry issues" i don't wanna you to talk to me anymore.
what no you can't break up with me,i'm the one who is supposed too,your not gonna break up with me
and why not,you don't control me and get a say in this,it's final we over.
i will kill my self if you leave me.
that's too bad,block my number and never speak to me again.
end of conversation
i turn my phone off and sigh.I couldn't get up so i decided to wrap my arms around toms neck and just lay there,i look down and he was smiling "i know your awake tom" i say "no i'm not" he says "i broke up with victor" i say,he looks up at me "good,i forgot i need to end things with stacy" he says
i decided to end things with victor on text cause if i did it in person i would for sure get atleast a punch from him maybe 2 so i decided not too,i go on my phone and block him.I look down at tom and he had his head on my chest again,as much as i didn't want to i was starting to fall for him,it was so hard not to though he was so fine and he always protected me,he was kind and funny and is probably my best friend. "tom get up" i say sorta pushing him "mmm no" he says,i get up but drag tom with me cause he still has his arms around me,i stand there waiting for him to fall off but insted he gets up and jumps on me wrapping his legs around me and his arms "i'm not letting go" he says slowly sliding down,i push him off and sit on his bed "rude" he says and gets up and sits down,he looks at my lips and nose and frowns sorta "i'm sorry i wasn't there yesterday" he says "it's okay it's not your fault" i say and lay my hand on his,he freezes for a second then looks at me "y/n can i tell you something" he asks me "yeah what's up?" i say "i know it's weird but i like you,and i didn't twll you this before cause of victor but i've always wanted to to tell you i just never knew how to.." he says "really? i thought you have never liked me" i say "i always have ever since the concert,i've dated girls to try and move on but it obviously wasn't working" tom says "i like you too tom" i say smiling at him "but i understand if you don't wanna be with me especially after a break up" he says "no,i want to be with you,you know the entire time i was with victor i was thinking about you,weird but it's true" i day shrugging and moving my hand away from his,he sighs "so will you be my girlfriend?" he asks looking at me nervously "yes ofc" i say them hug him tightly "wait what really?" he says hugging back "duh" i say smiling a little,i give him a little kiss on his cheek and get up "i forgot today is my brother birthday so i have to go but did u wanna come over for it?" i say smiling "yeah ofc" he says then stands up.I grab my stuff and walk to the front door,tom puts his hand on my lower back as i walk out the door,i turn around and give him a kiss,i muss doing that,i walk to my moms car and drive home.I go inside and see ethan's friends.My parent we out of town so ethan wanted to throw a party,i walk up to ethan "hey can you not invite victor,we kinda broke up" i say "ye-wait what happened to your face??" he asks sounding genuinely worried "victor" i sigh and sit down "what tf did he do?" ethan says "he got mad" i say "omg" he says and sits next to me "i'm gonna beat his ass" he says "go ahead" i say leaning back holding my stomach "but i'm with tom now" i say and look at Ethan "does he treat you right?" he asks me "yes ofc" i say "okay good,my friends are here tho so leave" he says "pfft" i get up and go upstairs and text tom telling him to come over,he texts back saying he's on his way.I sigh and lay on my bed waiting for tom to get here,10 minutes go by and tom comes in my room "hey" he says and sits on the bed "hiii" i say,he gives me a kiss and leans back,i get up and go to my closet,since there was gonna be people i decided to wear a dress cause why not.I grab the dress i want to wear and start getting changed,i picked out a black tight dress that went above my knees,i look over at tom and he's staring at me "is there something you wanna say?" i ask as he puts a pillow on his lap "i don't know what you mean" he says.I changed infront of him cause he's always seen me naked and i didn't really care,i smile and turn around and walk to my mirror and start doing my makeup,tom comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my neck "excuse me" i say as i'm trying to do my eyeliner,he gives me kisses from my neck to my cheek,i start to laugh cause it tickles "ok ok stop" i say focusing on my eyeliner "you take forever" he says and lays on my bed again "i'm almost done" i say and put on my lashes,i start to get irritated cause the lash wasn't lashing but i ended up getting it on "okay i'm done now" i say and stand up,i put on some shoes cause heels hurt my feet.We head downstairs and ethan had more then just 50 people over,it was more like 500 but oh well,i walk over to the tables and get a drink.After a few hours i was drunk off my ass,tom wasn't tho surprisingly,he was talking care of me the entire time,i was stumbling around and ended up falling in the back yard,i scraped my knee and elbow "ow fuck" i say,tom comes uo and helps me up "oml come on your done" he says and takes me upstairs,he takes me to the bathroom and washes my knee and elbow,he wraps them in bandages and and takes me to my room,He gets me dressed into domes shorts and a t-shirt.I lay down and start laughing for no reason "what's so funny" tom asks me,i just ignore him and fall asleep.

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