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Thousands of years ago, there was a civilization known as Atlantis. Consisting of only red and blue Heelers, it was ahead of it's time with ancient technology thanks to a mysterious crystal, surrounded by effigies carved to resemble the Atlantean kings of the past, that floated above the entire city. All the Heelers wore blue crystal necklaces as part of their culture. Unfortunately, that would all change when a cosmic explosion caused a gigantic tidal wave to form. Many technologic hovercrafts controlled by guards began flying towards Atlantis to warn everyone about this dangerous flood. One Atlantean guard angrily shouted in Atlantean,
"/You idiot! You've destroyed us all!!/"
"/We need to warn Atlantis right away!/" added another guard.
But then, as the tidal wave got closer to the hovercrafts, a frantic guard interrupted with,
"/Uh oh-TOO LATE!!/"
The tidal wave ended up wiping out many of the hovercrafts, but a few of them managed to outrun the flood and they made it back to Atlantis.

In Atlantis, because of the approaching tidal wave, the sky was getting darker by the second and there was a large red crystal above the city. Its beam lights were shining all over the city, almost like it was looking for something. As the remaining hovercrafts got back to the city, a guard dog announced to the city,
"/Everyone! Get to the shelters! Repeat! Get to the shelters/!"
Emergency bells were rang and many Heelers ran to try and take cover during this dangerous time. But the Heelers that needed the most protection were the royal family that watched over Atlantis. They were known as King Bandit Heeler (a Blue heeler), Queen Chilli Heeler (a Red heeler), Little princess Bluey Heeler (a Blue heeler Puppy), and baby princess Bingo (a baby red heeler puppy), whom Chilli was holding onto tightly. A royal guard was guiding the royal family as he said,
"/Your royal highness, this way!/"
"/Bluey, come on!/" shouted a worried Chilli since Bluey, holding her favorite Polly Puppy toy, was nervous about what was happening, especially from the red beam lights.
As they made tried to make their way to safety, Bluey accidentally dropped Polly Puppy and she rushed back to get her. Chilli was shocked to see this, so she handed Bingo to Bandit and ran over to Bluey. Bandit, now holding onto Bingo tightly, shouted,
"/Chilli! What are you doing?!/"
When Chilli reached to Bluey, she bent down to her level and put her paws on her daughter's shoulders, stopping her from getting Polly Puppy.
"/Bluey, just leave her behind! There's no time!/" said Chilli, trying to get her daughter to understand what was happening. But then, when a red beam light shone onto Chilli, something mysterious happened.

The beam of light, alongside the crystal and other beams of light, turned light blue and caused Chilli's crystal necklace to glow bright blue. When Chilli realized this, now slightly holding her oldest daughter's paw, she looked up at the Crystal and suddenly, her eyes glowed bright blue, putting her in a complete trance. Bandit looked behind and was shocked to see his wife like this. But then, all the beam of lights shined onto Chilli and they knocked her out unconscious. As Bluey was still wondering what was going on, her mum began to float upwards and she didn't realize what was happening to her mum until Chilli ended up taking Bluey's bracelet with her. When that happened, Bluey turned around to see Chilli float all the way up to the Crystal, disappearing into it. This shocked Bluey and she reached up for her mum while shouting,
Bluey, now tearing up, got onto her knees and continued to reach for Chilli.
"/Mum!!/" she shouted again.
As this was all happening, a mysterious dome was forming around the city, but not every single dog was able to make it inside the dome, trapping many dogs outside of it as the tidal wave got closer and closer. The Crystal was also glowing brighter as the dome began reaching it.

"/Mum!!/" shouted Bluey once more as Bandit, still holding onto Bingo, rushed to Bluey. Now hugging both his daughters tightly out of protection, he shouted,
"/Bluey! Look away right now!/"
Despite his own advice, he ended up looking at the Crystal, concerned for Chilli. The effigies spun around the bright crystal very fast as the dome reached to the crystal. When it touched the crystal, a bright flash occurred and the part of Atlantis that was protected by the dome sank into the sea. The rest of the city, however, wasn't as lucky and it got swept away by the tidal wave. This flood caused Atlantis to seemingly never be seen again, thus starting the myth of it ever existing.

This special episode of Bluey is called, "Atlantis"!Where stories live. Discover now