Set Free

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Leah found herself entangled in a web of secrecy, finding the predicament both tiring and worthwhile. Concealing her relationship from her unsuspecting friends proved harder than she had initially anticipated, and the long list of excuses she concocted to hide the truth was dwindling just as fast as her energy. Leah avoided all offers of matchmaking and this friend who is nice by using silly excuses that ranged from I'm just too tired to I haven't shaved my legs, but it didn't take a genius to work out that a sense of suspicion began to creep into the minds of those closest to her. They couldn't help but notice her growing disinterest in those around her as she became engrossed in the captivating world within her phone, which had room for just herself and Niamh.

Just two days before their long-awaited reunion in Barcelona, Leah found herself restlessly pacing each inch of her bedroom floor. Her thoughts tumbled chaotically within her mind as she resorted to speaking aloud in a desperate attempt to think of another excuse for her friends from the depths of her imagination. It wasn't as if her friends were forcing her into dating, but rather, they worried that she had barricaded herself from the world due to her dread of dating with her newfound fame.

Niamh, for almost similar reasons, found herself making those same repetitive steps across her own bedroom floor. Her mind was consumed by the positives and negatives of the daunting decision that she faced, with the thought of it sending shivers down her spine. All she wanted to do was protect Leah and shield her from the potential harm that came with having Niamh as her partner. One decision she could be sure of was that ending this was no longer an option; she was way too in love with Leah to find any reason big enough to walk away from her.

This was her only option.

It was Michael's suggestion, brought forward as he comforted an anxious Niamh just a few nights ago. He explained that if Leah was willing to go along with this, it would alleviate the pressure that she found herself under to continue living a lie, allow Niamh to worry less about the potential for things to blow up in Leah's face, and most importantly, it would postpone any kind of premature revelation to Leah's teammates about a relationship where secrecy was the key ingredient to success.

The crux of the issue lay in the truth that this wasn't something Niamh wanted. Of course, she wanted Leah safe, but there was safe, and then there was safe by entertaining other women. As her phone began to ring, her body exhaled a breath that echoed around the room. She had never felt so lonely. She allowed her eyelids to shut, seeking respite from the world before mustering the strength to answer the call.

"Hi." Niamh smiled, knowing Leah's voice would bring her comfort.

And it did. Niamh's lips curled into a gentle smile, a glimmer of anticipation dancing in her eyes. She wondered how the familiarity of just one word from Leah managed to mend her heart and chase away the shadows of doubt and uncertainty. Maybe this conversation could wait a while longer.

"You nearly ready?"
"Haven't started yet." Leah chuckled.
"Did you fall asleep?"
"No. I was just... thinking. You know, overthinking."

The solace that Niamh had found in Leah's voice swiftly disappeared, her thoughts returning to the glaring truth that Leah was grappling to conjure up any fresh alibis for her friends. Niamh wasn't stupid; she knew that any night out Leah went on, there would be people around her that would persistently try to grab her attention. She also knew that Leah had told her of her reluctance to sleep with anyone before she truly knew them, apart from Niamh, obviously.

It was this very notion that made Niamh's plan all the more enticing. She knew deep down that Leah wouldn't let the freedom consume her, but rather that it would ease the stress of her nights out.

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