Passing Time

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In the months that followed, Leah and Niamh gave one another the space they thought they needed. Leah knew that she had called things off, so to expect that she could still speak to Niamh everyday was unfair; whilst Niamh knew that Leah had finally admitted it was too much, so she thought to speak to Leah would be cruel.

That didn't stop either of them from spending their evenings reading over old messages, wondering what if...

Niamh threw herself into work; she would extend her shift by hours just to avoid the loneliness at home, missing out on opportunities to spend time with her friends because she knew she'd have to sit in that same bar, at that same table, but without Leah.

Leah had tried to use work as a distraction, but injuries prevented her from doing so. She spent the time before Christmas break injured, and came back with worse mental health than she'd had to begin with.

Neither woman seen the other's life as dull, though. Leah spent hours searching for Niamh's name on the internet, reading about the cases she had spoken to the media about, and found herself replaying the interviews that Niamh had given over and over again just to hear her voice. At least her time is being filled was the thought that ran through Leah's head.

Niamh, on the other hand, had stopped looking at Leah's social media after weeks of tormenting herself. Every new visit to her Instagram page showed a new possible connection to someone much better placed to give Leah what she couldn't. That combined with the pictures from her recent trip to America had finally tipped Niamh over the edge, giving her every reason to put herself on that ban. At least her time is being filled was that same thought that ran through Niamh's head.

It was the typical cruelty of life, though. Had Niamh have been actively checking Leah's social media, she would've seen that Leah had visited her hometown again, in the hope of finding Niamh sitting at that same table, in that same bar. Leah had posted an unrevealing picture of the artwork in the bar, hoping that it would catch Niamh's eye and prompt her to at least ask why she was Ireland - she had waited, and waited, until the bar was letting out that night - eventually cutting her losses and heading back to the hotel to sleep before she had to catch her flight home.

Had Niamh have seen that photo, her heart wouldn't have been truly broken in work the following day.

Niamh had been in the station from 7am, using the early start as an excuse to not go out with her friends the night before. A street officer had arrived just after 11am, telling Niamh of the strange experience she'd had in that same bar, at that same table, the night before.

"It was like - so weird. She came in, looked straight in my direction, then sat by herself. And then I went to the toilet, came back, there she was - sat in my seat."
"Who was?" Niamh chuckled.
"So I said do you want some company? Thinking I was being nice. She smiles at me and says no thanks, I'm waiting for someone."
"Right?" Niamh chuckled again, not understanding why this story was worthy of being told.
"Anyway, she sits there - alone. All night. Right through last orders - then she looks around the room one more time and just leaves."
"Right? Why is this a story?" Niamh chuckled harder.
"Because it was Leah fucking Williamson!"

Niamh felt a nausea in her stomach, a lump in her throat, and a shaky breath threatening to leave her mouth. She knew she had to act shocked, which she was, but for an entirely different reason.

Had Leah been waiting for her?

She played it off, not having any idea that Leah was currently throwing herself onto her bed with that teddy stuck up against her face for another day, the scent of Niamh slowly fading away from it.

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