Chapter 10

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"Damnit! that was close!" Mylo said as Vi looked ticked off at him as she growled, "WHAT WERE YOU IDIOTS DOING!" She yelled at the group as they all looked shocked, even Vander.

"I thought we went there to steal things and pawn it off for money!" Mylo exclaimed as Vi gave him a look, and if looks could kill Mylo would be dead, " NO! WE WERE THERE TO HAVE FUN! NOT STEAL! TO HAVE FUN! YOU FUCKING IDOIT!" Vi yelled as Vander split them apart.

"enough you two! Break it up!" Vander said as Vi stormed off.

"what's a matter, Vi" Vander asked as Vi just sighed, as she looked back at the castle, "we finally had our first kiss, the curse was supposed to be lifted, but it didn't work" she said sighing.

"maybe it would be different if I was a royal, and then everything would be fine, we'd be together, but instead she's getting married, oil and water don't mix, I was stupid enough to think it would" Vi said sitting down on the grass as she looked at the moon.

"do you ever wonder what you could be" Powder asked sitting next to her sister as Vi looked at her confused, "what do you mean?" She asked, "if you could be anything, what would you want to be?" Vander said adding on to what Powder said, Vi sat there for a moment.


~I guess I'd be a hero, with sword and armor clashing. 

Looking semi-dashing, a shield within my grip~

Vi stood up and went into a fighting stance and started to punch the air as she looked at her little sister with a smirk on her face, as Powder looked at her with admiration 


~Or else I'd be a Viking and live a life of daring
While smelling like a herring upon a Viking shipI'd sail away, I'd see the world
I'd reach the farthest reaches
I'd feel the wind, I'd taste the salt and sea
And maybe storm some beaches
That's who I'd be, that's who I'd be~

she laid back down onto the grass staring at the moon and stars, as she tried to have Powder and the other's picture it. she'd love to live that life as the hero, to feel free, to be able to have a life, and give her sister so much more then what she had.

Vi's Pov

~Or I could be a poet and write a different story
One that tells of glory and wipes away the lies
And to the skies I'd throw it, the stars would do the telling
The moon would help with spelling and night would dot the I's~

I stood back up, as I grabbed my journal, ever sense I met Y/n, she taught me how to write, how to come up with stories for Powder, to be creative, I kept looking at my family, if I could, I would rewrite a different story for us, a story were we had everything we needed.

~I'd write a verse, recite a joke
With wit and perfect timing
I'd share my heart, confess the things I yearn
And do it all while rhyming
But we all learn, but we all learn~

I'd confess everything to y/n, share to her how much I love her, share how much she means to me, I'd write all my feeling, I smiled for a minute but soon turned into a frown as I realized that would never happen.

~An zaunite always hides
An Zaunite fate is known
An Zaunite always stays
In the dark and all alone~

I looked at Powder as her smile dropped as well, we were from the undercity, that was never going to change, people like us won't ever get those chances, nor would we ever be looked at as royalty, we're just dirt to them.

~So yes, I'd be a hero, and if my wish was granted
Life would be enchanted, or so the stories say~

~Of course I'd be a hero, and I would scale a tower
To save a hot-house flower, and carry her away
But standing guard would be a beast, I'd somehow overwhelm it
I'd get the girl, I'd take a breath, and I'd remove my helmet~

I picture our life if we weren't born into the undercity, If my wish was granted I know my sister and my family would have a better life, I'd get to be the hero in that story.

~We'd stand and stare, we'd speak of love
We'd feel the stars ascending, we'd share a kiss
I'd find my destiny, I'd have a hero's ending
A perfect happy ending, that's how it would be
A big, bright, beautiful world~

I'd get to be y/n's hero, the one to save her, the one to break her curse, we would have our first kiss, true love first kiss, the one that finally lifts her curse, we'd live happily ever after, I smile at that thought, I'd love nothing but that.

~but not for me~

I sat back down, bringing my knees up to my chest as I put my hood over my head.


~An Zaunite always hides
An Zaunite fate is known
An Zaunite always stays in the dark
we're all alone, all alone~

I looked at Powder as she held a book that y/n had given her, as she held it close to her, she doesn't understand the harsh reality.


~and I knowShe'll appear

'cause there are rules and there are strictures

I believe the story books I read

By candlelight!~

She still believes that me and y/n we'll have a our happy ending, she believes all of that, I wish it could be that easy, I wish nothing but that, I wish we could have that ending.


~A perfect happy ending
That's how it should be!~

Powder cuddled up to me as I hugged her as I we all looked at the moon and at the castle, that's how it should be, we should all be able to have our happily ever after, no I must try, I must try, y/n deserves to be happy, I must stop that wedding tomorrow, if not I might regret it the rest of my life, I must try, I must stop that wedding.

A/n: two chapters posted! and not sure when another is done, but yeah hope you enjoyed! 

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