"And the winner is Tommy!" Wisp yells out with a smile on his face, Luke and Bitzel cheer for Tommy

"Seems like you aren't so rusty after all huh Tommy?" Deo smirks as he grabs Tommys hand and lifts himself up

"Haha, i guess so. I was for sure positive that i had become rusty after all these years" Tommy smiles as he gets out of the fenced area

They all huddle up and start chatting but then they suddenly hear a cough and they all look towards the noise

"Seems like you're doing well..." Tubbo smiles nervously, i mean he is infront of a bunch of very strong people. One of them being his best friend...(?)

"Tubbo?!" Tommy yells out shocked, he takes a step back, suprised to see his best friend finally coming over to visit

"H-hey Tommy..." Tubbo rubs the back of his head, looking down at the ground, not being able to look straight into the eyes of someone he was close to and also exiled

"Sunshine? Do you know these two?" Deo asks as he puts a hand onto Tommys shoulder, looking at Tommy with a questioning and guarded look

"U-uhm...yeah, Tubbo was my beat friend ever since i came here and Ranboo is also a friend" Tommy says as he looks up at the Deo in the eyes

Deo stares into Tommys eyes, Tommy staring back. It seemed like they were having a conversation, judging by the fact that Deo kept raising an eyebrow before he had an understanding look after

"They sure are close...so close to the point where they can just have a conversation without even speaking...unlike me and Tommy" Tubbo thinks to himself, slightly uncomfortable by the silence. He looks over at Ranboo who seemed to be shaking a bit at the legs, seems like he was just as nervous as Tubbo

Finally, after a few seconds which actually felt like hours to Tubbo. Deo finally sighs, Tommy had a victory look on his face as he smirks at Deo, they then look back at the Duo

"It's a pleasure to meet you Tubbo and Ranboo, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" Deo asks, putting his hand down and off of Tommys shoulder

"A-ah! We uhm, we thought that we could visit Tommy and also uh welcome you all into the server...since we couldn't do it properly before..." Ranboo responds with this time, very clear that he was nervous. Especially with the slightly shaking feet

"Hm, i see. Well then, why don't we head inside the house and make some tea for them?" Deo says as he starts walking towards the house, Tommy right beside him and the others following along behind

The Duo look at eachother before following behind the group


Tubbo and Ranboo sit down on some chairs at the table, Business Bay also doing the same except for Luke who went to the kitchen instead to make some tea

"Soooo, how has your time here been so far?" Ranboo says, trying to start up a conversation

"It's going good, we made a lot of progress and are settling in nicely!" Bitzel replies happily

"Although it seems as though we already have an enemy" Wisp says as he glares at the tea cup Luke had just placed down infront of him, Luke then places all the tea cups infront of everyone and then starting filling each of them one by one

"Huh...An enemy already..?" Tubbo whispers, grabbing the tea cup and putting it up to his mouth, blowing on it to cool it down a bit becore taking a sip. He thinks about all the people who could be trying to make an enemy of Business Bay already

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