Surprised Visit

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Tubbo and Ranboo were currently on their way to the exiled lands. They wanted to go and visit Tommy, they hadn't talked to him in awhile and also wanted to welcome the Business Bay members, seeming as they had a not so welcoming welcome when they first arrived.

"Soooo...who exactly are the Business Bay?" Ranboo asks as he walks alongside Tubbo on the prime path

"WHAT!?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE BUSINESS BAY IS!?" Tubbo yelled out shocked, stopping dead in his tracks as he takes in the information

" it a bad thing that i don't know them...?" Ranboo asks, stopping a few steps after Tubbo. He looks back with a confused look on his face

"Ah- Don't worry Ranboo, I was just shocked" Tubbo says as he smiles, fixing his composure and starts walking again

"So, who are they?" Ranboo asks again as he starts walking alongside Tubbo again

"Well...Business Bay are known for many things. Like scamming, stealing, their good Businesses, having no mercy in killing others, killing gods, and even more" Tubbo explains

"WAIT WHAT!?! KILLING GODS?" Ranboo yells out shocked

"Yep! shocking! i know. When i first heard about it i was just as shocked, the news made it to every single server that existed. And the thing is, they continued to kill even more gods! about 3-4 more before almost all the other gods started trying to befriend them in order to not get on their nerves and end up dying" Tubbo explains further as they arrive at Tommy's dirt house

"Wow....they sure are powerful! And Tommy is the leader of them all!?" Ranboo yells out shocked

"Yea...I never expected someone like Tommy to be capable of commanding such powerful people like that" Tubbo says, his eyes looking down at the ground, also shocked

"Wait. Does this mean that Tommy is stronger than all of them combined?" Ranboo thinks out loud

"Holy shit i didn't think of that!" Tubbo yells out, just now processing that Tommy could probably be able to take on the whole server including Technoblade!!

They both stay silent on the rest of the way to the exiled lands, rethinking about everything and wondering if everything Tommy had done on the server was just acting then how powerful is Tommy?!


After a few more minutes of walking in silence, they finally arrive at the portal, they both head through and then start making their way to the Exile Portal

Once they arrive, they both prepare themselves before walking through. Once they make it to the other side, they start walking up and pathway and they walk up, they are shocked

They see Deo and Tommy in the middle of a fighting ring, which was actually just a bunch of fences without anyway of escaping, sparing in the middle of it with the rest of Business Bay watching them and cheering one of them one

Tubbo and Ranboo look over at eachother before they start making their way towards the Bay, as they get closer, they are able to see the match between the two in the middle more clearly

Tommy had gotten an advantage, seeming as Deo was slowly getting cornered. But just as soon as Tommy is about to launch towards him and attack, Deo rushes off to the side, but Tommy had already known that Deo would do that and ends up blocking the way Deo was going quickly with his sword near Deo's neck

The Child Of The Server Is Full Of Surprises || DSMP || NON-CANONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora