But your immortal and I'm.. | Lamber

Depuis le début

She closed the messages, feeling even more defeated then before. She slid out from under the blankets, she had work she had to do.

Work didn't stop for anybody, did it? She put together everything she needed, but as she started working, her focus drifted.

She decided to brush her work off for tomorrow, piling the little work she finished into a separate pile. She pulled herself up from her desk, flopping back onto her bed.

She was hungry, but she didn't know what to eat, she decided she would eat in the morning. Grabbing onto one of her pillows and getting under one of her blankets.


The past few days for Layla were slow, boring and uneventful. Her sleep schedule had gotten worse, trying to get her mind off of what happened, the bags under her eyes darker.

She had ran out of coffee pods, she needed to go get more. Reluctantly, she threw on a blue sweater, not bothering to change out of her pajama pants since it was a quick errand.

Grabbing her bag containing some of her money, slipping her phone and keys into the bag, she walked out of her apartment, double checking the door was locked behind her. She walked towards the grocery store closest to her apartment.

Once in, she headed immediately towards the coffee display, checking the different flavors, the amount of caffeine in them and checking the Coffee's roast. Once she found one she liked she grabbed two boxes, enough to last her a two weeks most likely.

She went to the line to pay, when she approached the line she noticed that it was quite long. Sighing, quite annoyed from the length of the line, Layla took her spot in the back of the line.

Her eyes drooped, she felt overcome by sleep, Layla knew she had to stay awake, get home and then she could decided if she wanted to have a cup of coffee or go to sleep. Yawning, she impatiently shifted her weight from one foot to the other, silently tapping her fingers on the shelf beside her as she waited.

" Layla didn't expect to see you here "

She wasn't wanting to commit to small talk today, especially when she was so exhausted, but the voice sounded so familiar. She prepared herself mentally for an awkward conversation, turning around only for her eyes to interlock with the all - to familiar Amber eyes.

She awkwardly waved, her hands gripping the boxes of coffee pods she was holding onto. Amber eyes widened when she spotted the condition Layla was in, her unkept hair, eyes bags and the box of coffee pods she had indicated she wak not taking care of herself.

" Once we've both bought our items can we talk?"

Layla nodded, her grip tightening and her anxiety tingling. She turned around, facing the front of the line.

Once she made her way to the front of the line she quickly paid for items, then headed outside to wait for Amber. When Amber joined her outside she motioned for Layla to follow her.

Reluctantly, she followed, as she followed she felt her body tense up with every step, her muscles tightening, her bones felt like metal, barely functioning as she walked.

" Layla, I have something to tell you."

Amber murmured, Layla stopped walking, tilting her head slightly.

" Yes?"
" I wanted to apologize."
" Hm?"
" Taking a good look at you it's obvious you haven't been taking care of yourself. Which leads me to the truth on why I broke up with you."

Layla's elf ears perked up, her facial expression was curious, but also worried at the same time. ' Did I do something?' she thought to herself.

" I did some research on elves which led me to finding out that elves are immortal. I wanted to break it off then, since i'm mortal and your immortal I didn't want you to get hurt in the future."

Layla didn't say anything, just pulled Amber in, hugging her. Amber at first seemed shocked, but hugged back, wrapping her arms around Layla.

Once the two pulled apart from the hug Layla spoke, wrapping her hands around Amber's warm hands.

" Amber I already expected the possible outcome of death if we stayed together."

Layla let out a small yawn, before continuing on with her sentence.

" But I don't care, I love you Amber."
" Are you sure?"

Layla nodded, a big grin on her face again, as well as a light shade of red.
Amber leaned in, giving Layla a small kiss on the side of her face.

" You look tired you need to get some sleep, want me to help you get back home?"

Layla nodded, accepting Amber's offer. They walked back to Layla's apartment, hand in hand.

( This isn't my best chapter, I'll admit that but I hoped it was enjoyable )

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