"Hello," a voice spoke. Everyone turned to face a man and a teenage girl that stood at the front of the hall. Another teenage girl, a little older than the first stood next to them with a boy with color changing hair. A girl, a little younger than the man, stood next to them with a far off look in her eyes.

"You're here to see the future and the Scooby gang—the one with the dull looking doppelganger—are going to find out how screwed they are and maybe lose some friends," the man said.

"He looks like Henrik a little," the Mikaelsons whispered, but Klaus' eyes widened realizing who it was.

"Elijah is going to get the stick out his ass and so are the rest of the Mikaelsons realizing what Klaus has actually done for them," the man continued now looking at the Mikaelsons while the teen next to him glares at the Scooby gang who scoffed. Elijah looked like he would disagree but hwne he saw his siblings nod he kept quiet.

"And for the Wizarding World, some will realize how truly screwed they are and some will realize that not everything is at it seems," the teen girl says.

"Who are all of you?" Elijah asked.

"Some of your future children, actually the second generation of Mikaelsons," one of the boys said. The Mikaelsons look surprised while the Scooby gang scoff again. Elijah looked on in disbelief, not believing it to be true, but his siblings with minimal knowledge from Klaus, knew these were different kinds of witches and wizards and kept their minds open to the possibility.

"In the supernatural world I'm Henrik Mikaelson II and in the Wizarding World, I'm Henrik Potter, my parents are Klaus Mikaelson, Jamison Potter, and Mortimer/Morticia Thantos," the man spoke. Klaus froze, seeing his son all grown up.

"NO!" Liam Evans stood, "SHE IS MINE!" he screamed.

"SHUT IT YOU USED TAMPON!" Henrik screamed back. The Prewett twins are spotted hiding their hair color, not liking the association with Henrik.

"Supernatural world I'm Hope Mikaelson and in the Wizarding World, I'm Hope Potter, my parents are also Klaus Mikaelson, Jamison Potter, and Mortimer/Morticia Thantos," the teenager woman spoke.

"How do they have three parents?" The youngest Mikaelson brother asked Klaus.

"I mentioned her, but we also have a third, they just hadn't shown up yet," Klaus whispered back.

A blonde girl with silver eyes stood forward, "I'm Vega Mikaelson in the supernatural World and Vega Black in the Wizarding World. My parents are Rebekah Mikaelson and Regulus Black," she said, shocking the hall. Klaus pointed out Regulus to a shocked Rebekah. Some looked back at Walburga and Orion and spotted Walburga look like she was about to say something, but catches herself and smiles happily. Orion gives a weak smile. Sirius sends his brother a happy smile, excited to find out he has a niece.

The boy with the changing hair comes forward, "Orion Theodore Black-Lupin, I go by 'Teddy' and my parents are Sirius Black and Remus Lupin," and smirked showing his blue amused color in his hair as he spots his parents blushing and his Aunt Jamison smirking. The older Orion's eyes lit up to find his grandson names after him. Walburga just smiles again knowing she has grandchildren.

The girl with a faraway look stepped forward, "In the Supernatural World I am Luna Mikaelson, in the Supernatural I am Luna Lestrange, my parents are Kol Mikaelson and Pandora Lestrange," she says. Immediately Rabastan stood up, a similar angry face on both his and Rodolphus', "Where is he?!" they growled.

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