The Arrival

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The Great Hall of Hogwarts was filled with talk and laughter. At the Gryffindor table, the known pranksters, the Marauders, were talking of their next big plans, especially for graduation. Peter Pettigrew, the quiet one of the group, and Sirius Black both covered an upset Jamison Potter's view of Severus Snape while the younger Lestrange brother, Regulus Black, and Narcissa blocked Severus' view of Jamison. Remus Lupin and Frank Longbottom sat to the side of Jamison to block her view of Liam Evans, the boy who won't leave her alone. The boys have caught him trying to put love potions into the Potter's food, but her Heirship ring covered it. Pandora Lestrange watched over her friends when she suddenly starts watching the door and the sky.

Suddenly the doors open revealing Walburga and Orion Black followed by Arcturus Black, Lucius Malfoy, Andromeda Black, Bellatrix Black, and Rodolphus Lestrange. Aurors followed behind them with newly appointed Amelia Bones in charge of them. "Albus, why were we called here?" Arcturus asked calmly after noticing the confused looks on his grandsons', niece, and his cousin's daughter's faces.

"I didn't call you," Dumbledore said.

"Well, we were told to be here," Walburga shrieked. Some noticed the two cloaked figures stepping into view, but staying in the back.

Another group dropped into the room, "Bloody hell, this is a way to wake up!" a woman groaned.

"Rebekah? Finn? Kol? Kneeklaus? Who are you?" a suited man questioned in shock, wondering who the other woman that dropped with them was.

"Why does he pronounce my name like that?" a curly blonde haired man groaned, making a man who looked like the suited man snort.

"Freya?" the oldest male asked in shock. When the oldest woman nodded, Finn latched on to her, thinking she would disappear from his sight. The youngest two looked at their oldest brother in shock, "We have an older sister that was taken by our aunt so mother could have more children," the curly haired blonde informed them quietly.

"Where are we?" the youngest woman asked.

The curly haired man lifted his head, "Hogwarts."

"Excuse you?"

"It's a magic school."

"Who told you?!" one of the Ministry people dressed in pink shrieked.

"My mate. She kind of goes here," the blonde man responded.

"You think that's him?" Sirius asked Jamison quietly across the table.

"I know that's him," Jamison responded from leaning her head on Remus' shoulder. The Mauraders and Frank all noticed the blonde haired man perk up, also taking note of his bloodshot eyes.

Another group dropped in, all complaining, one voice whining. They all got up and looked around in cautious. "Klaus," one of them growled.

"Doppelganger," the blonde man, now identified as Klaus, answered back, "Nice to know you exist."

A brunette with brown eyes, next to the one who spoke, now had wide eyes. "They don't know who we are," she whispered.

"We know the Salvatores," the blonde woman spoke.

"We know you're a doppelganger that's supposed to die," the youngest siblings said, "And I swear Elijah, if you try to save her, none of us are going to stop Nik," he says to the suited man, now identified as Elijah. They all noticed Klaus had turned his attention back to one of the tables and Finn, Rebekah, and Kol recognized the woman who Klaus wanted to introduce them too. They also noticed she looked upset, but what for?

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