Total Drama Action

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Episode 1: Monster Cash

Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, LeShawna, Lindsey, Owen, Sadie, Trent, Tyler

Owen wins challenge. Geoff and Bridgette stay together. Trent gets jealous of Gwen and Duncan's connection over movies. Owen and Izzy fall in love.

Episode 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion

Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, LeShawna, Lindsey, Owen, Sadie, Trent, Tyler

Gwen and Trent win!

Geoff and Bridgette get the most of the votes.

Episode 3: Riot on Set

Beth, Cody, Dj, Duncan, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, LeShawna, Lindsey, Owen, Sadie, Trent, Tyler

Teams form

Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Duncan, LeShawna, Dj, Heather, Harold, Katie, Sadie

Killer Grips: Trent, Lindsey, Cody, Beth, Owen, Izzy, Tyler, Justin

Screaming Gaffers win!

No one is sure who to vote for. Owen complains about the whole E-scope thing. Izzy and Owen cost the team the challenge.

Awards: Trent, Cody, Lindsey, Tyler, Owen, Beth

Last one goes to Owen

Izzy is kicked

Episode 4: Beach Blanket Bogus

Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Duncan, LeShawna, Dj, Heather, Harold, Katie, Sadie

Killer Grips: Trent, Lindsey, Cody, Beth, Owen, Tyler, Justin

Killer Grips win!

Trent and Gwen fix their relationship. Trent tries to get the other team to vote out Duncan. Duncan finds out and gets mad. Duncan tries to get everyone to vote out Sadie or Katie.

Awards: Gwen, LeShawna, Dj, Heather, Harold, Katie

Last one goes to Duncan.

Sadie is kicked

Episode 5: 3:10 to Crazytown

Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Duncan, LeShawna, Dj, Heather, Harold, Katie

Killer Grips: Trent, Lindsey, Cody, Beth, Owen, Tyler, Justin

Screaming Gaffers win!

Lindsey and Tyler are the reason for the loss. Killer grips get to vote for someone. They decide to take out a team player.

Awards: Beth, Owen, Justin, Cody, Lindsey

Last one goes to Tyler

Trent is kicked. Gwen cries.

Episode 6: Aftermath

Episode 7: The Chefshank Redemption

Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Duncan, LeShawna, Dj, Heather, Harold, Katie

Killer Grips: Lindsey, Cody, Beth, Owen, Tyler, Justin, Izzy

Izzy joins the Grips

Killer Grips win!

Heather plans to eliminate Gwen. Heather manipulates Katie. Heather talks to Harold about how close Gwen and Duncan are. Heather convinces LeShawna that Gwen will get to the finals again. Gwen plans to eliminate Heather. She tells Duncan. She also tells Dj. Gwen convinces LeShawna aswell.

Awards: Duncan, Dj, Harold, Katie, LeShawna

Last one goes to Heather

Gwen is kicked

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