my love, my everything, thank you and I'm sorry

516 19 11

"NO!" wei wuxian suddenly sat up as he screamed in agony frightening lan wangji who was sitting near the bed on a stool

He lunge forward as wei ying hastily got off the bed tears running down his flushed face

"Wei ying! Wei ying calm down!" Wangji tried to calm the younger who was in a frenzy

Wei ying didn't seem to hear or see him as he stood in the middle of the room trying to frantically control his breathing

"Wei ying!" Wangji holds onto his shoulders turning wei ying towards him

Having finally catching sight of the man he couldn't control his breath for wei ying started to cry more

"Lan zhan" he whispered horsley

Wangji eyes lit up


Finally the love of his life

The apple of his eye remembered him

He should be happy right?

But instead he is confused

Extremely so

His wei ying remembered him

But why is said person on his knees gripping onto his robes as if he will leave him

Why is he begging to be forgiven

Why is he begging to not be divorced?

"Please please please lan zhan" wei begged not caring if he looked desperate

He remembered

He remembered the words he said to this man

The man he would gladly give up hi life for

"Please I didn't mean it, I love you so much I don't want to separate please"

Lan wangji finally understood

It seems when the goddess said 'remember everything ' she meant EVERYTHING

Wangji couldn't help but silently curse the goddess

He knelt down in front of the crying man and hugged him into his chest

"Wei ying it's okay I won't -" he got cut off as he was pushed away

"It's not okay lan zhan! I said su-such things to you! I hurt you so much but you do-dont even" wei ying screamed out tears not stopping

Wei ying reached up and pulled on his hair harshly

"I didn't mean it please lan zhan! Husband! Please"

The sight of wei ying in so much distress brought tears to wangji's eye's as he gently pried wei ying's hands out of his hair


Wangji couldn't bare it no more he gently held on to wei ying's soft cheeks and guided him towards wangji where he captured his soft lips in a sweet kisses filled with pure love and longing

Being kissed calmed wei ying as he wraps his arms around wangji's neck bringing thier bodies flush against each other

The kiss they shared was nothing extravagant

No lip biting

No tongue wrestling

No throat sucking

No saliva exchange

Just a very very sweet romantic gentle and well deserved vanilla kiss

The one to pull away was wei ying as he stared into his world's beautiful golden eyes that was glazed with fresh tears

This brought more tears to his eyes as he looked down before looking back up into wangji's eye's

" Lan zhan I'm sorry" he whispered

"No more" lan wangji gently squeezed him

"Wei ying I love you, nothing will or can change that, I will wait for you no matter what" wangji rested his forehead against wei ying's

"Whatever happened back there is due to the work of your mother, please don't take the blame my love, I love you so much wei ying, I always will" he kissed wei ying again

"I love your eyes" he kissed both of wei ying's eyes

"I love your scent " he kissed his neck

"I love your hair" he kissed his head

"I love your nose " he kissed his nose

"I just love YOU" h kissed his lips sweetly almost reluctant to pull away

Wei ying kissed back before pulling away and hugging wangji tightly

"I love you to lan zhan...thank you....and I'm sorry"

To be continued

Hiya its short but tis fine I needed to stop here as to not start the new problem

And a lil hint he next problem consist of a certain


Anyways this was one of my most frequently asked books to update so I did I'm not sure if I'll update another book for the day tho

Honestly can you believe the last time I updated this book was LAST YEAR July!?......damn

Please enjoy ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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