I'm sorry but-

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"wa-wait why are you crying? Lan-Lan wangji!" Wei Wuxian panicked, he did not know nor did he even understand what was going on

one moment he is falling to his doom next moment he was surrounded by the very people who drove him to the corner asking for forgiveness, one moment Lan wangji HIMSELF attacked him on the rooftop next moment he claims him to be his husband!? and even have kids with him!?

at this point, wei wuxian would even believe that wen rouhan came back from the dead and suddenly turned his life around and became a fucking monk!

"Lan wangji please stop crying it is unbecoming of a Lan" wei wuxian tried to remind him but was utterly shocked when lan wangji suddenly knelt before him

"wei ying....*sob* please...never say such a thing....i can't handle it" the man continued to sob as he desperately held onto wei ying's robes

"lan wangji i-" wei ying was cutt off

"please i don't understand why the god did this but please i need you in my life" lan wangji stared at him with so much pain and sorrow in his eyes that wei wuxian had to physically tear his eyes away

"i can't live without you wei ying, i love you so much just please don't leave me, please if not for me then for our kids"  lan wangji stood up and tried to pull the younger closer but was pushed away

"enough is enough! look i am not the one you fell in love with okay! we are not together we don't have kids together! we are not a family! i'm not in love with you lan wangji! why are you trying to force this one me!?" didn't lan wangji understand where he was coming from?

"no wei ying" wangji hugged him from behind

 "i know when we were younger we didn't have that great of a relationship but you must understand my feelings are real" he whispered with is horse voice, rubbed raw from sobbing so much

".......lan zhan please don't do this to me, i'm sorry but.....i'm not the one you fell in love with....i'm sure he loves you to death but i don't....i think until the husband-the one that loves you- comes back.......we should go our separate ways" in one fluid motion wei wuxian was able to detangle his body and left as quickly as he can

'why? why does it hurt to say all that? i'm truly not the who is in love with him but....why does it hurt so much? why do i feel like i just shattered my soul?' wei wuxian thought as he briskly walked through the cloud recesses intending to find wen ning and leave while trying and failing to wipe away his tears


a voice stopped him in his tracks, he slowly turned around to come face to face with lan sizhui and lan jingyi as they both stared at him in concern 

"a-niang why are you crying? are you okay?" jingyi asked as he and his older brother approached their mother 

"nothing, nothing is wrong im fine" wei wuxian plastered a fake smile 

"a-niang you are just like a-yi in more ways than you think, both of you are horrible at giving fake smiles" a-yuan informed him causing wei wuxian to freeze 


"is there anything you need? we will get it for you" a-yi asked gently

"yes actually do you know where a-ning is?"

"last i saw him he left to find you some herbs hoping to help you gain some memories"


"he left?"

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