Chapter 2: Sam's Service Mechanic (Featuring TommyInnit)

Start from the beginning

Just then, the steady hum of an engine broke Tommy out of his mental pit of dread and self-pity. Peering over the large mountain of paperwork, the blond spotted a familiar red tow truck. But that wasn't what he was paying attention to, he was staring at what the truck was towing which just so happened to be an original, cherry-red Chevrolet Corvette. That car was everything Tommy wanted: the colour, the model, the perfect exterior condition, he could keep listing every incredible aspect of that car for hours on end.

Tommy was so busy gawking at the car, he hardly paid attention to his coworker, Ponk, who stepped out of the truck.

Ponk was a close friend of Tommy's, he had ivory-white hair which was often concealed under a black, red and orange mask which covered his whole head with the exception of his eyes. Anyone who first meets Ponk was ought to think that they had encountered some sort of colourful bank robber, but everyone was too distracted by Ponk's robot-like arm to question anything but that. It didn't take long for Tommy to discover that the fully-functioning metal arm had been designed and built by Sam himself, once more Sam had managed to impress Tommy.

The blond watched through the glass window that separated the office from the actual garage as Sam approached Ponk, planting a light peck on the top of his head.

..Wait, when had Sam left the room?

As he burst into the garage, Tommy jokingly exclaimed, "Ew, come on keep it professional you guys." Ponk and Sam both simultaneously rolled their eyes and chuckled which only encouraged him some more, "Seriously you two, ever heard of PDA? Just wait until human resources hear about this you fucking wronguns!"

"Tommy, language!" Ponk gasped dramatically as he shot Tommy a disapproving look.

The passenger door of the truck opened and with it, a voice chimed in: "A little swearing never hurt anyone, mate."

Tommy twisted around on his heel to see a man with blue eyes and blond hair like his own, only the man's hair rested just above his shoulder, he wore a wide friendly grin on his face which Tommy instantly felt obligated to return.

"See," Tommy smirked, feeling rather chuffed that the customer had agreed with him, "Mr uh.." He turned to the man, "What's your name, sir?"

The blond's smile somehow grew as he replied to Tommy, "Just Phil is fine."

"Phil agrees with me!" Tommy exclaimed proudly, "And the customer is always right, innit!"

As the truck's back door opened, a new, quiet voice muttered, "God, don't encourage him, my dad's ego is big enough." This guy couldn't look any more different from Phil, unlike Phil he had a mop of curly brown hair that looks like it could really use the assistance of a hairbrush any time soon. He wore a pair of tangled earphones and even had those typical silver-rimmed circular glasses which Tommy would bet money on the fact that they weren't even legitimate glasses. Once he had slammed the car door shut, this new guy lingered behind Phil, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Tommy began, "Were you just waiting to make some dramatic entrance?"

After a moment of silence passed, and no reply from the lanky brunet, Phil sighed, "This is Wilbur, my son, he's not ignoring you mate, he's just being an angsty anti-social fuck and listening to music."

"He seems like a right asshole. Tommy stated, being purposefully louder in hope of spiting this Wilbur guy.

"Well then," Sam swiftly interjected, turning to face Tommy before he could dig a deeper hole for himself, "Do you want to take a look at this car or do the paperwork?"

"Oh come on Beetlejuice," Tommy scoffed, "You should already know my answer by now."

The instant the words tumbled from his mouth, Wilbur's head snapped up, meeting Tommy's eyes as he gaped in shock until finally after a few awkward seconds had passed, he blurted out, "Are you referencing the 1988 film or the musical?"

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