Deep down in his heart, he knew he didn't. However, day by day, he was becoming increasingly selfish. The mere thought of letting her go terrified him to the core, even though her happiness depended on it. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to accept that one day he would need to free her from the shackles of his revenge game, which had transformed into something pure and beautiful, his intense love. He wasn't ready to lose her in any way. 


With the setting sun, the daylight began to fade, and he had not caught a glimpse of her since he opened his eyes this morning. She skipped lunch too; according to Amma Bi, she was still sleeping. Lines of concern became visible on his forehead as he placed his head in both hands and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was now a little too worried.

He got up from the edge of the bed and began to pace back and forth in his room, feeling restlessness rising in his heart. He needed to see her; he had to, or he would not be at peace otherwise.

Wanting to check on her himself, he left his room and briskly descended the staircase. His heart thumped heavily as he approached her door. He knocked once, twice, thrice, but there was no answer.


He gently called out her name loud enough to reach the other side of the door, but he was met with only silence.
A deep frown etched on his face, and his restlessness took the form of anxiety that was steadily turning into panic as he knocked again and she didn't answer nor show any signs that she could hear him.

His gaze fell upon the doorknob, and he decided to utilize the spare keys to unlock it. However, as his hand touched the cold steel, the door swung open on its own accord.
Without a moment's hesitation, he stepped inside the room, only to find it empty. The bed was neatly made, indicating that she had tidied up before leaving. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, but his attention shifted towards the bathroom door, hoping to find her there.
After a few moments of silence, he checked the door, finding it unlocked and the interior vacant.

Attempting to maintain a positive mindset, he reassured himself that she might be in the kitchen with Amma Bi or in another room. Exiting her room, he briskly made his way towards the kitchen.

"Beta, do you need something?"

Amma Bi inquired as her gaze met his. He glanced behind her, scanning the entire area in search of her, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Amma Bi, where is Anna? She isn't in her room. Have you seen her?"

His voice quivered with concern and impatience, desperately awaiting her to show up in front of him.

"No, she hasn't come here. I haven't seen her anywhere else either."

She replied before turning to the other house helps and inquiring if any of them had seen her. They all shook their heads negatively, causing Alihan's heart to quicken with worry.

"Search for her! Check each room and all the floors!"

He ordered, rushing towards the front door. He approached a group of gardeners who were engrossed in their work, but none of them had caught a glimpse of her. His panic escalated as he nervously made his way towards the main gates.

Before he could question anyone else, a maid came running towards him, causing him to come to a sudden stop as she reached him.

"Sir, she is nowhere in the house."
she informed him in her breathless voice, a result of her hurried run.

"Galib, Anna is missing from the house. Take the bodyguards with you and search for her around the estate."

As Galib's car entered through the main gates, he swiftly exited, noticing the deep concern etched on Alihan's face.

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