Once the ring sat securely on her hand he let go and held on to her shoulder, he placed a kiss on her head and she closed her eyes and tears rolled down. 

He drew away and looked at her. He cleaned her tears with the side of his finger only for him to put the finger to his lips and kiss it in away that made him taste the saltiness of the human tears.

"You need to fix the damage you've caused my love" he said as he brought her hand to his lips to kiss the Asscher Diamond he had put in her hand "This ring belongs to my grandmother. It means a lot to my family... Our family"

she tried to pull it off and he caught her hand and held on tighter than he intended to.

 His eyes gave him out that he was angry.

He threw her hands down and  strolled away to the other side of the room and poured himself a drink.

"why are you doing this"

"My campaign, You ruined it with your moment of righteousness and I am giving you the opportunity to fix it." 

"how, I mean...I...I, I don't see" 

A flash glimpse of the ring made her realise what he planned to do. She looked at him before he reached out for his suit jacket that was handed to him by the third party in the room.

"24 hours Remi, you have that much to get your affairs together or hatch an escape plan to get away from me" he said slowly as he covered the space between them again "You can try but You cant hide far enough"

"your grandfather sir"

"of course" He said without breaking eye contact with her "arrange for my wife to see her family before their travel and ensure they are well taken care of"

"yes sir"

He walked majestically towards the door like he owned the place which he probably did.

"24hrs is not enough" she yelled firmly as he reached for the door.

His body almost envelopes the doorway. His back flexed as he took in a quick deep breath.

Tobi looked at the time on his watch as he thought about how irritated he was by Her presences in ways he couldn't put to words and he wanted to be done. 

She was testing him. She was playing with his patience and he hated it.

"How long would you wish"

"a month"

He chuckled.

"24hours" he said firmly

"2 weeks" 

"Is this a joke to you?" he asked ironically

"crazy is what it is" she replied

"1 week"

"24 hours" he said with a stern voice

"why then did you ask what I wished"

His only reply was a smirk before he turned to leave the room.

The room fell quiet. His foot steps couldn't be heard as Remi looked from the door to the man standing in the room with her and then outside.

"Hassan is my name and I am at your service"

"Why didn't you help?" She said sadly

"I did" "He said with an expressionless face "let's start off your day"

He led her towards the door before she remembered her phone

"my phone"

"There's one waiting on your dresser"

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