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Jungwon wonders how heavy, or rather, how LIGHT, exactly he is in cat form for the stranger to uplift the bag as though no pet that was not there previously was now hiding inside.

Jungwon is in big trouble. He muses what he should do. Option one: make enough commotion within the bag for the stranger to notice, open it, and Jungwon can finally run away. Option two: make noise, though Jungwon has no desire to meow; it still makes him nervous and embarrassed. He has never meowed before, only hissed because all the humans he encountered so far asked for violence.

The person does not take a ride home; Jungwon could easily tell because he feels each steps the stranger takes. The bag bounces, and Jungwon bounces softly with it. He has heard the stranger bid farewell to his teammates, yet the walk home was completely silent, and with the light swinging of the bag, Jungwon is almost lulled asleep. He had sat on an unknown textile that felt like a shirt, and was waiting. Howbeit, he decides that he cannot let himself fall asleep when his next purpose is to run away again. To keep himself awake, he decides to search for the Bueno bar again until he finds it. If he is trapped here, he might as well eat something nice.

Jungwon thinks that either the bag is made out of soundproof fabric, or the human boy is truly deaf. After finding the snack, Jungwon tests his claws again and tries to tear it apart. It makes one hell of a noise, and from time to time, Jungwon has to look up, fearing the zipper will move.

For someone who does not hear very well, the human boy has the best timings ever.

Jungwon is done ruining the wrapper when he feels the whole bag drop and hit the floor. Jungwon's heart also drops, and he feels his stomach hit the ground with how brisk the fall was, and how hard the ground felt. Jungwon squints his eyes a bit when, gradually, light comes in. The light is different from the blinding whiteness of the gymnasium; it is a warm orange hue that reminds Jungwon of orange cider.

Jungwon cannot run away; he wants the Bueno. He worked so hard to 'open' the bar, and now that the sweet odor is striking his nostrils, it is impossible for him to leave it behind.

The Bueno bar is exactly the reason why the human boy ends up grabbing him, yet Jungwon cannot blame the sweet for making him dumb.

"- WHAT THE- oh."

Jungwon flinches and tries to hide further inside the big bag, though he knows it is entirely pointless to do so. His dread is what makes him think that, perhaps, the human boy will let him be. Some stupid part of Jungwon, probably the kitten part, believes there is still a chance the boy might let him leave WITH the Bueno bar.

"- Hey, come out."

Jungwon starts quivering like a leaf when a human hand appears in front of him. He squirms and tries to hide in the most unreachable corners of the bag, yet the boy opens the bag further, until the lights are touching most areas of the inside of the bag.

"- Here you are."

The boy grabs him, and Jungwon is about start hissing and scratches when he realizes that, for the first time, it feels nice. Jungwon holds onto the Bueno when most of the things that were inside the bag are scattered on the floor.

"- Ah, hi there." The boy greets joyously as he holds him up to his eye level. "- You are..." He blinks, and Jungwon tilts his head to the side. This boy is like a Bueno.

Suddenly, the boy shrieks and drops him.

"- You're a cat!"

Was he scared of cats? Jungwon has encountered little to no persons who were scared of cats.

"- Wait... Is that my chocolate?" He frowns when Jungwon tries to push the bar inside his mouth and walk away with it. The floor had felt very hard when the bag was dropped earlier, yet it feels very sift under Jungwon's paws when he pats it; it is carpeted with a nice chestnut rug. "- Give it back." Jungwon manages to put the Bueno between his teeth.

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