Art gallery.

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Taehyun's eyes widened as he entered the art gallery of their university. He stares at the beautiful paintings and the meanings below it. "This guy is really good at painting" Taehyun says with a giggle. Taehyun spins around in the middle of the room feeling free being surrounded with art. He starts staring at one painting though.

His eyes widens as he saw what it was. A boy, specifically, a boy doing ballet. The boy had no face for it wasn't facing the audience. The boy had white hair and a very pretty white top with black bottoms. Taehyun smiles at the art. It looked like him.

White hair, does ballet, and he even wore that outfit in his last recital. It was him.

"Oh, I never thought anybody would visit this place" He heard a voice behind him. He turns around to see another boy maybe a year older than him and only an inch taller. "Oh! Yeah I'm really fascinated with art" Taehyun giggles. "I'm Choi Beomgyu. I'm in the art department so I am always here pinning more canvases into the wall" Beomgyu laughs a little. "Oh you have some art here? Which are they?" Taehyun asks very curious.

"Hmm let's see. This one, I painted it in a vulnerable time of my life" Beomgyunsays as he points a painting. It was dark, very dark. But there was a figure in the middle who seems to be crying.

"Wow. Your paintings really have meanings." Taehyun says really amused. Beomgyu laughs and moves to another painting. "Now this, hmm." Beomgyu pauses and laughs a little. "This was when I was inlove." Beomgyu says trying the hold his laugh. The younger of the two was confused. "Is it funny?" Taehyun asks confused. "Sorry, was a bad ex" Beomgyu says letting out his last laugh before moving with a big smile. "Now, this one" Beomgyu smiles, a genuine one. Taehyun looks at the painting and he gets excited.

it was the painting, of him. "I got pulled into a ballet recital by my friend and this one dancer really got me hooked. I couldn't help but paint him." Beomgyu says smiling so much his jaw must be hurting.

"But, that's me." Taehyun says softly. Beomgyu stops smiling and slowly starts facing Taehyun. He stared at the boy. White hair, very big doe eyes, and a very thin figure.

"It's you."

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