7. Sudden Socializing & The Summer Social

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"Troy you make sure you don't forget to stop and speak to Joseph nie!" Momma yelled out to me as I walked away from her stand at the Summer Social, nodding my head as I looked back at her, making sure all the desserts she'd made were out in a nice order. She was hoping to sell good today.

Being that Mr Greens money was getting a lil hard to come by, that meant daddy's check wasn't the best no mo.. but it was something.

They was bringing in new machinery I hea, from out dea' in the city for woodcutting and thangs, and that is what's putting a damper on Mr Green business..

He and daddy ain't get to come out to the summer social this year because they too busy at the lot, trying to figure out what they gone do to keep business in order, but momma shol' dragged me out hea'.

Since the pool party ian seen too much of nobody.. school ended shortly after so I ain't have to hear too much mocking about it.

and aside from Jerome showing up at my house and me having momma tell 'em I ain't there, and for some reason Alex tryna get a conversation out of me the last few days of school, I've only been hanging out with Emily.

But she's gone nie, her family took their annual trip to da' city so I been by my lonesome.

and of course it may not seem like I got a reason to avoid Jerome.. but things getting deeper than what I expected.. and I think deeper than what he expected as well.

Lisa and ha' family shol' cutting in on Mr Green nie, they's been talking about how good ha' and Jerome would look together and how they could give this town a new look.


Of course Lisa's father is the Mayor out hea' and not to mention, he's the reason Mr Green going bankrupt, cause he's partnering with the city to bring these new machines.

Looking around at all the stands, I rummaged in my pocket to see if I had anything to buy a small treat with and I came up on two pennies, hoping that'd be enough for something as i continued looking until I seen a soft served ice cream station.

"Hi!" A young girl smiled up at me, and I smiled back, looking over the flavors. "Can I get a vanilla—" I was interrupted. "Troy." I looked up to see Alex carrying a box of ice cream cones and I sighed, stuffing the change back in my pocket. "Never mind.." I grumbled, going to walk away until he placed the box down, rushing after me.

I shook my head, still walking as he caught up to me, gently pulling my arm and I quickly snatched away from him. "What!?" I snapped, gaining a couple eyes from all the people surrounding the town square.

"Don't cause a scene Troy. I just want to talk.. please." He practically begged, confusing me as I then looked around us, seeing a couple people still looking until I sighed. "Fine."

We went over to the nearest bench which was only a little ways away from the main event and he sat, looking down at his hands for a moment before finally speaking. "I- I never meant to offend you Troy..." he admitted and my eyebrows furrowed.

But before I could speak, he continued. "I know some of the things I said weren't logical.. trust me. I just couldn't stand the fact that you were smarter than me.. that you are smarter than me and I'm sorry." He looked over into my eyes and I was at a loss for words for a second.

"It doesn't make it right. Even though you apologized, you're still wrong. You spoke on something you had no knowledge of, and that wasn't ok." I told him and he nodded, instantly. "I understand." His hazel brown eyes stayed locked with mine and i hummed.


I never took note of his brown hair and the way he kept it swept back out of his face and his thick eyebrows and how his almost tanned skin glowed. I guess he's been out in the sun this summer.

"Troy I—" He was interrupted by our attention being grabbed at the sound of footsteps and a clearing of someone's throat, and when the both of us looked up, my eyes rolled, but that didn't stop Jerome from giving me a stern look.

"We're having a conversation—" He didn't care, Jerome ignored Alex's words and grabbed my arm quit roughly, pulling me up and away from the bench. "Ouch!" I mugged him, prying at his hand but his grip was strong.

"Aye!" Alex stood up, pulling the two of us apart and shoving Jerome only for him to come at him with a quick blow to his left jaw, making Alex's head swing in the opposite direction, his hand instantly clenching the spot.

"Him!?" His eyebrows furrowed as he glared at me, signing. "Him Troy!?"

He looked hurt.

But that hurt expression quickly went back to anger as he snatched up Alex by his shirt, sticking him again.

"Stop it Jerome!" I yelled as he kept throwing blows at Alex, with Alex regaining his height and throwing punches at full force.

"Stop!" I yelled, and eventually the townsfolk had caught on to what was happening, and that means the police did too...

My momma being amongst the people who came over, her face was stricken with fear as the cops pulled Jerome away from Alex, but his mind was gone, he wasn't thinking right, and everybody know when dem pigs come.. you act like you got some sense.

But he wasn't.

He was doing everything in his power to get back to Alex, to hurt him... for talking to me.

"J- J please stop!" I yelled as one of the cops came and grabbed me from reaching out towards Jerome.

I felt my breathing go unsteady and with one hiccup tears were forming in my eyes as all of them sat and watched.

The cops had helped Alex off the ground, but they ain't given J' that same courtesy.

He was rage filled, and they was snatching at his clothes, shoving him down the the ground and... and.. beating em.

"Stop!" I yelled as the cop eventually wrestled me down to the ground, Jerome's eyes locked on mine as tears fell down his cheeks with every blow they'd given him with the baton.

My momma has ran, there was nothing she could do but try and go find daddy or Mr Green, she was tired... I know she was, but she was trying.

The officers weight on my body, I tried to keep breathing but he was so heavy as I watched two other officers wrestling around with Jerome.. except he wasn't even putting up a fight no mo.

He was more concerned about me as they left them bruises on em'.

He was watching me..

and I was watching him.

and when I seen that last blow they'd given em.. I felt my heart shatter, I felt inaudible.. no words were able to come out of my mouth as the officers baton connected with the side of Jerome's head, knocking him out, causing his eyes to leave mine and close.

The tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt the worst pain in my life.

I was mute.



LaDonnaJ <3

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