no I deserve to be alone, LEAVE ME ALONE

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Jisoo was the first one to wake up.

She tried to get up from the bed but Jennie's hold was too strong for her to let go.

She gave up and started scrolling through her phone to look for any leaked gossip regarding yesterday's incident, there were none.

Jennie stirred in her sleep as she cuddled deeper into Jisoo's chest, Jisoo thought it was time to wake Jennie up as they were supposed to be on set by 12pm and its already 10am

"Hey jendeuk, can you wake up?" Jisoo asked as

"What did you just say?" Jennie was wide awake at the mention of her old nickname.

"I asked can you wake up" she said again

"no before that" Jennie questioned her again

"oh, c'mon get up now, I don't want to be late"

"Why did you leave me?" Jennie asked holding Jisoo tighter against her

"You sure you want to listen to me now" Jisoo asked caressing Jennie's hair

"How long can I really avoid it, let me get through the pain at once" Jennie said

"I went through a minor accident when I was coming back from my acting class" Jisoo said to which Jennie jolted awake from the bed and looked at her questioning every decision she ever made against her.

"Let me complete then you can speak, okay?" Jisoo asked as Jennie nodded to her statement.


Jisoo and Jennie had a heated argument regarding their relationship as they both wanted to go to different colleges and were not up for long distance, Jennie asked Jisoo to tag along with her but Jisoo denied her request and told her she wants to prioritize herself above her which made Jennie mad.

What do you expect from 18year olds, they are dumb and exploring life.

"You want to leave me fine, leave me" Jennie said as she pushed Jisoo away from her.

"I don't want to leave you Jennie, but the thing you're asking me to do is unreasonable" Jisoo said calmly

"So, I am unreasonable now" Jennie argued

"WHAT?? Where did that come from?" Jisoo asked clearly annoyed by Jennie's antics

"You meant it" Jennie said sniffling


"WHY, ARE YOU YELLING?" Jennie yelled back

"Because you're being dumb and unreasonable" Jisoo said walking away from Jennie towards the door

"Everybody leaves me, you do too" Jennie said as she dropped down on her knees crying her heart out

"no I didn't, you're pushing me away cause you're afraid of yourself" Jisoo said and she knew she said the wrong thing as soon as she said it.

"Yea you're right I am afraid of myself I should just be alone" Jennie said giving Jisoo a fake smile.

"no no no you're not, I didn't mean it jendeuk I am sorry" Jisoo said making her way towards Jennie as she tried to hug her but Jennie pushed her away.

"no I deserve to be alone, LEAVE ME ALONE" Jennie said as she pushed Jisoo towards the door.

"no I won't, I am right here, okay? I didn't mean any of those things that I said" Jisoo said trying to explain Jennie.

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