5. Shopping & Kissing

Start from the beginning

"Well I didn't want you spending no more money on me. You already bought my lunch." I shrugged, sitting back in the booth and eating another fry as he stopped for a moment, staring at me, causing my cheeks to burn as always.

He wiped his hands with his napkin, never taking his eyes off of me as he then smiled that oh so fine smile. "Why won't you let me spoil you ever?"

Before I could respond, my attention was drawn to the bell of the diners door going off and in walked none other than Alex and a couple of his friends, no matter how hard I tried my eyes stayed squinted as I stared and watched them make their way to a booth.

and Before he took a seat, he caught my eye, for some reason smiling as he made his other friends take notice.

Jerome looked behind him, shaking his head as he then turned back to me, grabbing my hand to catch my attention. "Troy."

"What J?" My eyes went back over to Alex and he licked his lips, picking up a chip from the platter in the middle of their table, still smiling at me.

I don't see what the fuck there is ta' be smiling at.

"Coco.. baby look at me." Jerome moved so he was only in my eye sight and I sighed, feeling my body relax as he started to rub his thumb over the back of my hand. "You're alright, don't worry about them." He assured me and I nodded, finally going back to focusing on my food and him.

"It's just me and you."

I looked up into his eyes, nodding my head as I signed back. "Me and you."


"You know youn' drive much." I looked around the small vehicle, taking it all its fanciness.

Momma and daddy neva' had no car.

"Pops don't be wanting me to. It's scary for him if I'm pulled over." He explained and I nodded, instantly understanding. "Can't speak, and I'm black, them pigs would have a ball park." His head shook.

Looking out of the windshield, I smiled seeing the water and then the stars and the way the moon light shined over the waves.

We used to run out hea' all the time.

Play in the water, looking for seashells.. just me and him.

Turning on the radio, I heard it scratch for a couple seconds until the song faded in, a smile on my face as he began to do a slow dance in his seat, smiling at me.

♪ We both deserve each others love ♪

He then got out of the car, and I couldn't help but to giggle as he opened the passenger door, damn near pulling me and onto the sand as he then placed his hands on my hips, guiding me in a slow motion as we swayed, smiles on our faces.

You, you're just as sweet as peaches and cream (to me you're as sweet as peaches and cream) ♪

I just knew my cheeks were reddened by now, and he pulled me closer to his chest, his hands caressing the small of my back as we continued to sway, my arms wrapped around his neck as we looked out at the water.

Just you and I that's how it will be (Together we'll be be just you and me) ♪

His hands lowering to grip my hips, I looked up into his eyes to see he was already lookin' at me. I smiled, and he did the same, until a flicker of something else in his eyes caught my attention.. Ian neva seen that look befo'..

and before I knew it, he'd swiftly picked me up into his arms, causing me to yelp out of shock as his tongue glazed over his bottom lip with him sitting us down in the sand as I giggled a bit. "Whatchu doing J.."

His eyes searched mine as his finger lifted my chin, pushing my big hair out of my face as he examined me, seeming as if he was in awe..

What you doing to me J..

Eventually my eyes had fallen to his lips just as his fell to mine.. and our bodies already in close proximity, it seemed as if our faces only got closer and closer, and soon.. I felt something it seemed like I'd been waiting on for years.

It was soft..





It was.. it was..

He bit my bottom lip, gripping my body and pulling me closer to him until our chest were pressed together as his tongue captured my own, not even having to fight for one bit of dominance because I'd already surrendered.

"Mm" I moaned into this kiss as he held my waist, neither of us being able to miss what was happening down below as he lied back in the sand, our mouths never disconnecting until we stopped to breathe.

and when we did, we stared into each tigers eyes for only a second before we burst out into laughter.

"You're crazy." I signed. I was way too jittery to speak.

"You and I are one in the same." He but his bottom lip looking up at me as I playfully shoved his chest.

We both deserve each others love



LaDonnaJ <3

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