Chapter 28

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Theodore martel:

I opened my eyes only to be met with a bright light, I looked around, I was in the hospital.

What the fuck was I doing there?

I looked at my arm where a needle was hooked into it, and a bunch of other brusies from my father layed.

I got up while pulling the needle out, just as I pulled the last one a doctor came in along with my mother and Adam.

"what are you doing!" the doctor rushed to my side and tried grabbing my arm, but I pulled away.

I'm too tired for this Merda. (shit)

"oh my god Miele" my mom was crying as she pulled me in for a hug.

I sucked in a breath,she must've noticed because she pulled away after.

"how are you feeling?" she asked as she grabbed my face in her hands.

"Sono bravo mamma grazie per avermelo chiesto" I responded.
(I'm okay mama, thanks for asking).

I took her hands off my face.

"I have to use the bathroom Mi scusi"
(excuse me).

I got up, but almost fell due to dizziness.

Both Adam and the doctor tried to help me, but I put my hand up signaling I was alright.

"you need rest your body is tired and hurt" the doctor stated.

"I'll be alright, now excuse me I need to pee" I pushed passed them and made my way to the bathroom.

"you can't hide in there for ever" Adam yelled out.

"not planning on doing so" I replied with the same tone.

I looked in the mirror first thing.

Damn I look like merda.

I had eye bags under my eyes, pale skin and shaking hands, I was a mess.

A knock on the door brought me back to life.

"honey are you okay in there?" it was my mother "Sto bene mamma stop asking Per favore" I told her.
(I'm alright, please).

I eventually got out and started looking for my clothes.

"where are my clothes?" I questioned "you're not going home" Adam said "like hell I am" I continued looking for my clothes.

"I said you're not going, get your ass back in bed" he argued, but I ignored him.

He got up and made his way towards me "you're not leaving" he stated, I only looked at his face.

"yes, I am" I spat so he grabbed my hospital clothes as if he's going to hit me.

I pushed him away,but my body gave out and he caught me.

"bed,Ora" (now) he said as he helped me get inside the bed.

"Lascia che il dottore finisca il suo lavoro" he finally said before storming out of the room with mom following behind.
(let the doctor finish his work).

We have this habit at home where when one of us is angry we switch to Italian.

And that was what happened with Adam right now.

I put my hands on my face as my eyes started to hurt.

I wanted to be gone, I didn't want them seeing me like this.

I was supposed to be in a grave right now, not a hospital bed, not above ground.

I scratched my arm multiple times until I saw blood come out.

I now understand why mattheo cuts himself, red is an extremely peaceful color epically when it's yours.

The doctor left a while ago, but came back just as blood started coming out of my arm.

He said nothing, he only cleaned the wound and put a bandage on it.

I didn't say anything the whole time, even when my mother tried talking to me.


Two hours later

An extremely worried Aisha came into my room.

I couldn't hold it in anymore,my heart hurt seeing tears in her eyes.

And knowing that I caused them made it hurt even more.

She whipped the tear that fell down her face.

"I wanted to come and see you as soon as your mom called me, but the school didn't let me go home, it was torture" she explained.

I chocked on a sob, but didn't look her way.

She said nothing more and made he way towards me.

She grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I'm not mad at you" she hugged me tight.

I couldn't hold back anymore, I broke down in her arms.

I put my head at the end of her neck and held her tight, I don't think she was breathing.

"I'm so sorry" she kept repeating the same sentence as I sobbed.


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