Chapter 11

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Theodore martel:

I was once again at the racing track, but this time without a car.

It's been 4 weeks since mine crashed and 4 weeks since I was out of juvenile.

I wish I could go back tho at least they have peace and quiet.

No cigarettes tho.

Me, Mattheo and Adam caught up as Jade fixed Adam's bike.

She said something about the brakes being off or broken.

"when do you think I'll get my own bike?" I asked Adam "if you keep up that attitude never".

"he's got a point, every car you've gotten either crashed into the wall or lost something important" mattheo backed him up.

"you're supposed to be on my side" I told him "no hard feelings,just spitting facts".

"whatever" I said and walked over to Jade.

"what is it Theo?" she asked "what do you mean?" I looked at her.

"you have that look of 'I've done something stupid' look" she stated "I don't have a look" I said.

"what did you do?" she asked with a serious tone in her voice.

"I left a girl on the dance floor and ran, will not ran as in sprinted ran as in walked away without a word".

"do you like her?" she asked "no, not really, but I feel obligated to please her I don't know why" I stated.

"my boy you have a crush, here's what your going to do" she started listing things and I stopped listening a while ago.

"so how's that" she asked "yeah really great" I nodded as I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"you didn't hear a word I said did you?" my lips went into a thin line and I shook my head.

"listen just bring her here when you get your car and apologise, its not that hard" she said it as if it was a piece of cake to ask a girl you barely know on an apology date.

"I'll get Maya to bring her here" I finally said and walked over to mattheo and Adam.

"are you racing?" I asked Adam "no I just came to get her fixed" he stated.

"why do you call your bike her?" Mattheo asked "I don't know, but I call my car Talia as well" he confessed.

"I'm not even surprised that you name your cars" I said "wait cars?" Mattheo asked.

"yeah, I have my own business and I make about 1 million a month , so I can buy anything my heart wants" he stated "adopt me dude" Mattheo said.

"if he does you'll be calling me uncle and I won't answer otherwise" I laughed from beside him "yeah I'll pass" that was his final answer.

Mattheo dropped me home and went on his way.

Me being my self I didn't go home straight away, I went for a walk, smoked a cigarette or two.

As I walked I found my self standing at her door, why the hell did my feet bring me here.

I ignored everything that just happened and went home.

Now I'm sat on my bed reading over the subject of the chemistry exam.

It's not hard like at all, ever since I was young my father put both me and Adam in tutoring.

I could read, write and do basic math at the age of six, I'm actually glad that he put me in them, because now I don't have to put pressure on my self, not to mention it saves me alot of energy.

I got up from my bed when I heard glass shattering from downstairs.

I ran down there as fast as I could, even with a broken rib and not so much air in my lungs.

I entered the living room and saw my mother on the floor and my father just above her with his hand up.

Without hesitation I shouted at him.

"who do you think you are boy to stand in my way" he questioned as he slowly walked towards me.

"you can do anything to me, but leave mom out of it and don't even think about going to Maya either" I said with a hard tone.

"it's alright honey, I'm fine just go back to your room" my mom said from the floor clearly not fine.

"hit me all you want, I'm here" I said and opened my arms, he did exactly as I told him.

I got punched, thrown, tossed and kicked, but I was fine with it as long as it's not the woman who birthed me who gets them.

He kicked my stomach one last time, grabbed a bottle of alcohol and went out the door.

As the door closed mom ran to me.

"you didn't have to go through that, my love" she grabbed my face between her hands.

"yeah and neither do you mom, honestly tho I'm alright I just need a shower and a good sleep" I gave her a weak smile and went upstairs.

I let the water fall and wash over all my bruised body.

I walked out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror, thank god my face wasn't as bad as I thought.

I got dressed and walked slowly towards Maya's room to check on her.



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