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the tea was nice, the company was awful. I had heard everything Lady Cecille said about me before she entered the garden. I had never heard someone talk about me so badly, calling me a maid. And the way she spoke about my father.

The old servant?! Who is she kidding? But, for the sake of Eric, I kept calm and collected.

"This tea is lovely." I said. Eric smiled at me, happy that I was trying.

"Probably the only thing that is." Lady Cecille huffed. I felt more defeated with every word that she said.

"Mother. Stop this." Eric said, seeing the despair in my eyes.

"What? What am I doing? I know what I'm doing, I'm sitting here having tea with a maid!" She shouted, throwing her hands in the air.

I stood up, trying not to cry.

"You know what, Lady Cecille? You are a vile creature and I feel sorry for Eric having to deal with your arrogance everyday. No wonder why he won't marry." I said, before walking off. Lady Cecille huffed and puffed and shouted some more.

"Felicity, wait! Please, wait!" Eric called behind me.


"I'm sorry-"

"How could you let her sit there and say such foul things about my family? About me?" I said. The tears were uncontrollable now.

"Please don't cry. This wasn't the way I wanted this to go."

"Did you want this to happen? Did you want to lead me on only to shackle me down to hell? Is that what you wanted? I can't believe I actually showed up here, wearing a nice dress and thinking you'd be there for me!" I said, scoffing at my stupidity.

"No! Felicity please. Don't be upset, my mother is just stubborn-"

"Don't bother writing anymore, Eric. You won't get a response." I said, turning and exiting the castle.

I sat on the beach, bawling my eyes out. I'd been betrayed for the first time by love. By the man I loved. By the Prince.

I should've known better than to get attached to royalty. But Eric is such a sweetheart, so why didn't he protect me? Is his mother worth more than me? He can't marry his mother as much as she'd love that.

At the Palace, Eric was both angry and distraught. He was checking every room for his mother. He found her in the front room.

"Ah! Eric, my son. Come sit." She said, dropping her tea down lightly.

"No. I came to talk to you. The way you spoke to and about Felicity was absolutely disgusting. How could you be so cruel to someone you don't know?"

His mother only laughed.

"What's funny? She was right, you know. About you. I wish I knew that sooner. But watch, Mother, I will marry Felicity, wether you like it or not!" Eric declared. His mother lost all the colour in her face, and dropped her tea, spilling in on the carpet.

"I- What- You can't! I have been very patient with you, Eric. And I've created a monster! I have showed you so many princesses that can bring so much to this kingdom!"

"I don't want a fancy princess! I want someone with emotions, who's brave and who will do the right thing!"

"And you think Felicity shouting in my face was right? My dear boy, when will you realise that marriage is a trade. The girl becomes queen and the man gets all the glory."

"No. That's not what my marriage will be. I love Felicity. And I am The Prince, I call the shots. If I want to marry for love, then I will. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a million apologies to make."

"Have fun, my dear. Have fun getting ruined by a commoner!" His mother shrieked, cackling like a witch.

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