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I stood outside the pub, although I knew the owner, Gary, I was still scared to walk in. I eventually got over myself and strode in.

Turns out I am not the only woman here, these ones look, dangerous. I carry my crate over to the bar as I feel several eyes on me. I do not dare to look back at them.

"Ah, Felicity! Thank you for the milk, these bums will need it later!" Gary said. I smiled and tried to get out of there. Gary handed me the coins and I got out of there.

At home, I leant against the door, I was a nervous wreck the whole way home. Then I heard Mama and Alastor scream at each other.

"She's just a girl! You don't send her into a pub!"

"I was giving her a chance!"

"A chance for her to be compromised by a bum?"

"Mama.... don't."

What did she mean by that? My brain was rattling with wonder. It fell silent and I threw off my shawl.

The night fell, and I was making sure the animals were locked up, which they were. I would sleep outside, as the energy in the house was glum. Alastor was angry and Mama was sad. She always is whenever I go.

I hate that sometimes, I have to be there for my Mama all the time. Other times, it brings me ultimate joy.

I crawled into my warm bed, my brain still awake.


I woke up, my candle had blown out, I sat up. Voices. That was what echoed off the walls. I followed them. It was Mama and Alastor.

Mama was weeping, Alastor was drinking. I felt bad,  had I done something wrong for fulfilling Alastor's job? Was Mama angry at me?

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched. I then ran back into my dark room. I hated when it was dark and gloomy. It made me feel as though I was stranded at sea, floating around forever and ever. I hugged my knees and soon fell asleep, I think?

Your Future - Prince Eric Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin