Chapter 1 A New Home

Start from the beginning

"Mom dad come here hurry" the goat child yelled, two more goat people appeared in the distance running out of a house that was behind the tree.

"Oh my asgore help them inside now I will get the bandages" The one wearing a purple dress, having a symbol on their chest spoke first, she spoke to the other goat with worry in her voice.

"Right away " the other one, who I can only assume is Asgore, picks me up and rushes me inside the house in the wall. Everything started become more dark as he carried me into a room. As he laid me down, everything was black as the night, having no stars in sight.

'Stay determined' a voice echoed through my head.

I open my eyes, feeling more refreshed, like I never fell in the first place. I hear a creak of a door opening, I glance over to who has enter the room I was placed in.

"Oh you're awake, good" The female goat whom I had seen before walks into the room, going to my bedside. "Are you feeling better?" She asked with worry in her tone of voice.

"Yes thank you" I slowly sat up, feeling a slight pain but it wavers. I lean against the wall behind me.

"Good, what is your name child" She asked with curiosity behind it all, but her smile brought warmth to my heart.

"My name is chara" I said looking at my hands

"That's a nice name my name is Toriel" toriel said and I look towards her she had a friendly smile on her face

"How long was I out" I asked

"Only a couple of hours you loses a lot of blood but we were able to heal you" toriel said

"Where am i" I asked

"Your in the underground where all the monsters are trapped" toriel said

"Monsters are real" I said shocked

"Why yes we are but we are trapped in the underground" toriel said

"How did you get trapped" I asked

"There was a war between monsters and humans. There were many losses on both sides but in the end the human magic was too much for us monsters and they won. They locked us up in the mountain and but barrair up so we can't leave" toriel said

"How long ago was this" Chara asked

"100 years ago maybe we never kept track of how long" toriel said

I stayed silent they must have been through a lot this war must have been terrible for them

"Chara how did you fall into the underground" toriel asked

"I I jumped in" I said it was a lie but I don't know if I can fully trust them yet

"Why would you jump in" toriel asked

"Because no one cared about me" I said looking away hiding my tears

"Oh you poor child Don't you worry anymore" toriel said and I feel a shift in the bed I was in

"Your safe here with us" toriel said then she hugged me

I hugged back, it felt nice to be loved for someone to care about you. It reminds me of dad before they got to him.

Pov no one

Days past chara was introduced to asriel and asgore. Chara was adopted into the family after she was comfortable. Everyday that went by chara was getting better and better but she still did not tell them the real reason why she fell. Asriel shows chara around new home planning to show her the whole underground one day.

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