"Ma'am, I beg to differ with you, but no matter what Professor Dumbledore says, he is not my guardian, magical or otherwise, so I will not be answering that. I'm sorry that you feel I am being cheeky, but I feel you are out-of-line demanding to know about my personal life. Now if you are done I would like to get something to eat as I'm hungry."

"Very well Mr. Potter, you may wait outside while I speak to Miss Granger about her schedule, and we will go to the feast together. I will also be taking ten points from you for your attitude."

"Yes Professor." Of course this was another one of the reasons he had been so angry when he entered the Hall. He had felt the point loss was unjust, but as he knew that he was going to be getting back at those present he just decided to use the anger when the time was right.

Just as he turned to stare at the doors of the Great Hall waiting for them to open and admit his guests he noticed that McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore. The man turned to glare at him angrily as did Snape who evidently was listening in on their conversation but this just made him smirk. He didn't care if they were mad or not as he planned to make them a lot madder before the night was over. It seemed that Lupin wasn't too happy with him either if the frown he was shooting Harry's way was any indication. Well that was just too bad, because Harry wasn't too happy with the man either, no matter what his Dad said about him. He didn't know him now.

As the plates were finally cleaned and Dumbledore stood to give his start of term speech the door opened admitting quite a few people to the shock of all those in the Hall, only Harry was unsurprised by their admittance. Most, both students and staff were actually gaping as the people entered.

First to enter was the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, his Senior Under Secretary Dolores Umbridge, who looked like a giant, pink toad, Director of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Bones, Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, his Junior Partner Auror Nymphadora Tonks, their boss Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour, Ex-Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office Arthur Weasley, as well as his wife Molly and their two oldest sons, Bill and Charlie Weasley, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, Augusta Longbottom, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Reporter for The Daily Prophet Rita Skeeter and two very intimidating Goblins wearing full battle armour, though very few knew their names, besides Harry and Professor Flitwick, the taller of the two was Director of all Gringotts Operations Ragnok and his companion was Director of Potter Accounts Steelblade.

Harry was metaphorically rubbing his hands in excitement as the moment he had been waiting for all through dinner finally arrived.

"Minister, may I ask what you and all of your companions are doing here," Dumbledore asked in clear confusion, twinkle absent Harry was pleased to note.

"I received an invitation to appear here tonight, Dumbledore, and I'm assuming the others have as well. I take it that you were not the one to send such an invitation then?"

"No Minister, I did not and I have no idea why you are all here or who could have invited you." He turned to his staff asking, "Did any of you invite these guests here?"

All were shaking their heads or saying no with the same look of bewilderment on their faces.

"Minister, I think someone has pulled an elaborate prank on all of you," the Headmaster said.

"Not at all Professor Dumbledore, I was the one who invited all these good people here, and it is by no means for a prank, but to make some very important truths be known," stated Harry while standing up.

"Potter, you have no right to invite anybody to this school. You are once again letting your arrogance show," snapped Snape. "That will be fifty points and a weeks' worth of detentions for causing these people such an inconvenience on an arrogant child's whims."

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