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Violetta and the kids were at the dinner tabel they were eating even Mariana was there.

Vilu: so how were all of your days today?

Austin: the same as every other day.

Jesus: boring.

Jude: mine was fun mommy.

Vilu: really baby what thid you do.

Jude: we have a new teather hear name is Miss Cooper amd she is really nice.

Vilu: i'm happy you like hear.

Mariana: were is dad.

Vilu: sorry what thid you say?

Mariana: were is dad.

Vilu: he was a little late bjt he should be hear aney minut so.

Mariana: you know mom Jude isn't a baby eneymore.

Vilu: well i know thad.

Mariana: well stop acting like he is.

Vilu: yong leady i don't like thad tone in your voice.

Mariana: what ever.

Just then the dore opend and Leon came walking in whit his phone on his ear.

Leon: yh. Sure he can stay. Yh he is part of the family. Yh uuhm uhm yh okey then i will see you next week. Okey bye.

Vilu: hey babe.

Leon walked to Violetta and guve hear a kiss.

Jude: iewww they kist

Leon made a weard face and sade.

Leon: iewww we kist.

He walked to austin Jesus and Jude and give him a bro huge then he walked to Mariana.

Leon: and how is my little Princess doing?

Mariana: 1 i'm good. 2 i'm not little. 3 i'm not a princess and 4 i want a tatoe.

Leon: what.

Mariana: you heard me i want a tatoe just like Jesus hase one.

Vilu: wait what Jesus.

Jesus: i hate you Mariana. I just thid it becous Austin has one to.

Vilu: what!

Austin: it was a dear okey.

Mariana: ooow and btw i just wanted to see what yoi touth if i would do it.

Leon: well its deffinetly NO.

Mariana: pore you dad i already have one she showed him hear tatoe it was a A from Austin a J from Jesus a M from Mariana and a J from Jude

V/L: what.

Jesus: hi i jave the same

Austin: me to haha.

Mariana stand uo and walked to hear room. Austin walked up and went to the game room and Jesus went to the dance room. Now onley Violetta Leon and Jude wear at the tabel.

Jude: mommy daddy can i have a tatoe to just like them?

Leon and Violetta loked at eathother.

L/V: NO!

Hi hope you guys like it btw i habe a new book called what have we done. Its my first jortini book so read it xxx lyg

The Next Generation❤✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora