from sweet girl to bad.

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Mariana's PoV

Now thad i have nothing to live for i'm going to be a didfferent girl. Not the sweet little girl i'm going to be the bad girl. I walked out if my room down stears. All of them loked at me.

Leon: what are you waring.

Mariana: were dus it looks like.

Leon: don't talk to me like thad.

Mariana: blablabla thads what all the perants say when tere kinds arnt lisening well you know what i say SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Vilu: Mariana!

Matiana: what now you are going to say dont talk to your dad like thad.

Vilu: you thads not how you talk to us we are your-

Mariana: perants blablabla well what ever i have no time to lissen to bull shit see ya later. Ooow and Jesus Austen have fun at the studio.

Jesus: arnt you coming.

Mariana: no what the fuch do you have to do whit sisnging and dancing nothing its just crap so nop i'm not going.

Vilu: whats ring whit you?

Mariana: Nothing BITCH i jusg feel free.

Leon: did you just sad Bitch to your mom.

Matiana: uuuum yh i did bye.

And she walked out of the house.

Hi sorry it isend so long still hope yoh like it xxx ly Lilly vote and comment

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