crying my eyes out!

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Violetta and Leon were watching Romeo and Juliet. Well Violetta was watching Romeo and Juliet Leon was kind of sleeping. Just then mariana came and thad mad a bik CLAP sound.

Leon: i'm up i'm up.

Just then they see Mariana whit tears over hear face. Hear maskara was everywere on hear face and she cudend stop crying. Violetta run to hear.

Violetta: baby what hapend.

Mariana just pusht hear away and run to hear room. Then Jesus and Austin came in Leon and Violetta walked to them.

Jesus: Is Mariana hear?

Leon: yh she just came in CRYING! why is my little girl Crying. jesus didn't ansere he just run upstaris to hear. The loked at Austin.

Violetta: Spil it now!

Austin: okey okey but just for the info i didn't do eneything okey!

L/V :okey

Austin: so it started when Jesus and Li were fighting so we all wanted to know why. Jesus sade thad we should aske Liam but he just sad notging nothing is rong just a little fight. So then Jesus was mead and just told us.

Leon: told you what?

Austin: thed he is moving to newyork .

Vilu: oooow know when.

Austin: tomorow.

Leon: let me ges Mariana didn't knew aneything?

Austin: jup

Leon run up to mariana's room. And sa thad Jesus was traing to make hear stop crying.

Leon: hey guys.

Mariana loked up and run to him.

Matiana: it hurts daddy it hurts please make it stop.

Leon: i know it hurts but i can't help you whit thad you have to do it on you own.

Mariana: will yoh sing for ua daddy.

Leon: sure.

The walked to the big bad and Mariana got in and Jesus to. Jesus was laing on the left side and Leon in the right side. He started to sing i'm your twin your my twin. At the and of the song they both fal a sleep Leon got up walked to the door and closed it. He hayed to see his little girl like thad. She lokes so grown up but from insid she is stil a little girl

Hi i hope you like it later in the day i will make a nother xxx vote and comment.

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