Edge of Disaster part 1

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(Scene begins with Astrid flying happily on Stormfly)

Astrid: I could stay up here all day. But, we have work to do, don't we, girl? Hey! Guys! You are officially relieved from guard duty! Guys! (Trying to get their attention) Stormfly, get me in close, would you? Why do we have to go through this every single... Are you kidding me?

(Scene switches to the edge- Astrid is explaining the twins' apparent insubordiantion to Hiccup)

Astrid: They didn't stand their watch, Hiccup. Those dummies left two dummies in their place.

Hiccup: You know, those dummies could conceivably be just as effective as the twins.

Astrid: Not funny. We built that watchtower so that-

Hiccup: I know why we built it, Astrid.

Astrid: I just don't understand how this isn't making you completely insane.

Hiccup: Because, then there'd be two crazy people in this conversation and we probably wouldn't resolve anything.

Astrid: (shocked) Are you saying I'm-

Hiccup: Astrid, let me talk to the twins. I'll get their side of the story, then we can figure out what we need to do.

Astrid: I guess it's a start. Well, if it isn't our crack security team now.

Tuffnut: Oh! Please, please, there's no need to shower us with accolades.

Astrid: Tuff, you left two dummies to protect this entire base. What were you thinking?

Hiccup: Terror Mail. Hm.

Tuffnut: "Dummies," you say?

Ruffnut: She does. Poor confused thing.

Tuffnut: What you failed to realize in your foggy morning state, is that those are not dummies. They are scareships.

Astrid: Scareships? You're serious?

Tuffnut: You didn't see any ships near the island, did you? I think not. And why? They were appropriately scared away. By the appropriately named "scareships".

Astrid: Are you following any of this?

Hiccup: Not super closely. I'm actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble.

Astrid: You are not leaving me with these two muttonheads.

Tuffnut: She knows we're standing right here, right?

Hiccup: Look, Johann is surrounded by Dragon Hunters, and his ship is taking on water. We have to get out there and help him.

Astrid: Then, let me saddle up Stormfly, I'll be there in-

Hiccup: Astrid, you need stay here and hold down the Edge. And make sure nothing happens to the Dragon Eye or Sifera. It's too dangerous for her to go because the dragon hunters are there and because Mist doesn't have dragon armour

Astrid: I can't believe what's happening. This actually may be the worst day in history. At least Sif's staying

Hiccup: Astrid, Snotlout and I have the only working dragon armor, and Meatlug is immune to the Dragon Hunters' arrows.

Fishlegs: You hear that, girl? Who's a special dragon? Meatlug is, that's who.

Hiccup: It just makes sense for us to be the ones to go.

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