Snotlout: Gladly. Come on. Let go!

Ruffnut: No, we're saving your life.

Snotlout: I don't care. I'm outta here.

Ruffnut: I can't believe he'd rather freeze to death than be hugged by us.

Tuffnut: I blame you. You're clingy.

Ruffnut: I am not! You're clingy.

Sifera: i could help if you want

Snotlout: No!

Sifera: i don't mean by joining the sandwich. hold my hand [Snotlout grabs her hand and is surprised at how warm it is, almost like a fire dragon. He then jump hugs her to get more warmth]

Snotlout: i am staying here

Hiccup: You see anything down there?

Astrid: I can barely see you half the time. Maybe we should split up. Cover more ground.

Hiccup: No. Stick together. It's safer. Okay? Okay? Wow! You got the tents up fast.

Snotlout: I had to! It was the only way to keep out of that Thorston sandwich and spend more time with Sifera

Hiccup: spend more time with her why?

Snotlout: She's really warm!

Fishlegs: it's true, she is. Where's Astrid?

Hiccup: We got separated in the storm.

Snotlout: Heh. She ditched you?

Hiccup: What? No. Why would she do that?

(On the other part of the island)

Astrid: Easy, girl. I see 'em. Let's go in another way. Well, well, well, Heather. Fancy meeting you here. Surprised to see us?

Heather: Surprised? Not really. I've been listening to you stomp through the snow for the past five minutes.

(They prepare to fight but instead they hug)

Heather: What took you so long?

Astrid: Hiccup isn't the easiest person to sneak away from.

Heather: Yeah. Ryker thinks I'm out scouting. How did you get him to come here, anyway?

Astrid: I just told him what you told me, but let him think it was coming from Trader Johann. Any problems on your end?

Heather: Well, Ryker doesn't trust anyone and Dagur is paranoid, but so far I think I'm okay.

Astrid: You took care of Dagur?

Heather: I sent him on a fool's errand, looking for a second Dragon Eye.

Astrid: That should keep him busy. So, fill me in.

Heather: We've been here for two days, searching pretty methodically. According to Ryker, the Snow Wraith digs itself an ice cave to hibernate in during the summer months.

Astrid: We didn't know that. That explains the rush to get out here, probably to get a tooth from a hibernating Snow Wraith.

Heather: Exactly.

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