Chapter 12 : Changes around Liyue

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" Altero how is Tomo ? " " He couldn't learn under the shuumatsuban so he is fighting plenty of Nobushi's and Maguu kenki " Altero ate some food while walking around the Harbor in the morning after last night's domain adventure and discussion of artifacts .

" Sounds like he is doing well but how long until he comes to Liyue I'm pretty sure he would like it here " Zimo said and found Yunjin very pleased " Oh Zimo you're here I want to thank you the other day now I have a venue on Jade chamber although the construction is taking a while "

" haha I'm glad for you " " Also thank you for telling me about your dear friend I finally have a perfect ending for the divine damsel of devastation be sure to come and watch it " " I will " Yunjin smiled as she left them .

' Another eventful schedule coming up but I wonder how long it will take to rebuild the jade chamber ' Zimo walked on the streets while Altero was brainstorming how to properly understand the petrified trees and their ability to create artifacts that are based on real people .

" Also do you want to learn reverse alchemy ? " " Hmm ? " Altero looked at Zimo " Slimes drop slime concentrate if I reverse the alchemy I get a little mora and secretions it might not be useful but the secretions can be cooked if done right "

Altero compared the method of reverse engineering to his reverse alchemy " Hmm that would be useful , can you demonstrate " Zimo thinks of a material " Oh how about a slime concentrate " he used the reverse alchemy as around 50 mora appeared on his hand and four slime secretions .

" Hmm that's interesting " " I know sometimes I get better because before it wasn't even four " Zimo said putting away the slime secretions and keeping the mora " But how did you learn it ? " " Let's just say I was very observant "

Zimo looked up where he normally would see the jade chamber " Say I wonder how well they are working on the jade chamber " " I heard they work day and night to rebuild it must be in a hurry for lantern rite "

" Oh yeah it's very close already to think another year passed already last year I remember finding that strange man who rebuilt a temple I'm having trouble remembering him though "

Altero has a few ideas on what Zimo could use his reverse alchemy for " Say have you tried reversing the art of khemia ? " " Huh ? Do you mean destruction ? " " Yes you did create life from nothing wouldn't you be able to destroy it "

" I mean I could but I don't do that " " Then did you try ? " " Yeah " Zimo held a small branch and it darkened before turning to dust then nothing " Interesting " " I don't think I want to do this it may not be the most painful thing but it isn't ethical at all "

Altero looks at the last dust fade away from existence " Say can't you make something powerful like the rifthounds ? " " Huh ? " " I've done some research and if you knew Gold wouldn't it be easy for you to create one ? "

" Yeah but " " Maybe you can already make a hypostasis with two elements " Zimo internally sighed " Okay I'll try but I still have to get some raw materials first after all creating a hypostasis for me is not very familiar "

Zimo said " How would I get them ? " Altero asked " At the teapot you replicated the leylines for the hypostasis in from the three nations you've been right ? " " yes " " Great then we just have to go to the ley line blossom "

" You mean that strange flower ? " " Yes I theorized that those blossoms could be where the elite monster are born from or go to when they are defeated but this is just a theory I haven't learned much due to how complicated it is and I had to get close to one of them "

Altero knew that Zimo didn't like fighting " I see then what kind of dual-wielding hypostasis would you make ? " " Maybe avoid the most reactive element electro it basically reacts to anything I'll start small with anemo and geo "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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