Chapter 1

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A/N- Before we get started I want to say that all the animatronics have more features so they look more realistic! Also Sun and Moon are too separate animatronics!

Y/n's Pov

10:00 am

"Mom! Dad! Please one more week! I'll pay rent! And- and- ill-! " you shortly get cut off by your Dad
"Y/n, you need to learn how to take care of yourself! " He encouraged you.
"But-" you were again cut off.
"No buts!" Your mother growled. "Stop acting like it's the end of the world.. "
You tilted your head to the ground admitting to defeat. " Look Y/n we are doing this for your own good okay," your Dad grabbed your shoulder pulling you into a tight hug " we won't be here forever you know. " You nodded while your mother started to engulf you into a hug as well.
Sooner or later you grabbed your stuff and headed to a hotel you could stay at until you got an apartment.

A Few Hours Later

11:00 pm

You finally got to the hotel and checking into your room.
After riding the elevator to the 3rd floor you went into your room and plopped yourself down on a nice comfy bed they had and turned on the TV that was right in front of it.
You were going through channels when your head perked up at the sound of an ad " Now hiring for $17.00 an hour for a new daycare assistant to work beside Sun and Moon at the Fazbear Pizzaplex daycare! " The man said on the TV.
You quickly paused the tv to see the phone number they had to apply. You grabbed your phone quickly fumbling it between you hands. You finally dialed the number and waited till a voice spoke over the phone.

📞- "Hello, Fazbear s Pizzaplex! How may I help you? "

Y/n- *you stammerer for a second and realized what the other person said* "O-oh sorry! Sorry! I'm calling for the job as an assistant in the daycare!"

📞- "Oh yes! Can I get you email so we can send you the application?"

Y/n- " Yes! It's uh- (insert email)! "

📞-"Thank you so much for applying! We will get back to you as soon as possible! I hope you have a fantastic day ma'am! "

Y/n- "oh uh tysm! You too! "

You quickly hang up the phone and did a little happy dance.

You looked over to your phone again realizing they all ready sent the application to you.
You quickly finished the application and sent it back too the email that sent it too you.

Next Day

You sat up rubbing your eyes as they adjust to the dark room. Hearing you phone ring really woke you up. When you looked over the phone you realized that it was the phone number you called for the job yesterday. You quickly pick it up and awnser.

Y/n- "Hello?"

📞-" Hello! This is Y/n L/n correct? "

Y/n-"uh- yea! "

📞-"Fantastic! You got the job! Sun and moon really seemed quit fond of your application. "

Y/n- "Oh thats great! Do you know when I start? "

📞- " If you want you can start today at 9:00am! We have you uniform ready for you! "

Y/n- "Oh! Alrighty! I'll be there soon! "

📞-"Alright! Bye Y/n!"

Y/n-" Bye! "

You quickly hung up the phone and looked at the time. It was 7:30am and you had enough time.
After 30 minutes you started getting ready. You put you hair up into a messy bun (if you hair isn't long enough you can leave it down) and ran to the hotel elevator. After you got down to the first floor you quickly paid the the front desk man for another 2 weeks. And left.

Their Shimmering Star (Sun/ Moondrop x Female reader)  *may have smut/lemon 😉🫰Where stories live. Discover now