Chapter 2: The first mission

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Nylon: Whoa!!!

Awaiting him was a very beautiful place.

Nylon: This is what was through the portal all along?? I thought it was a portal to people's personal thoughts.
SKOT: No silly. This is the time nest. This is where I live and manages everything. And as you can see that's th-
Nylon: The time vault?
SKOT: Yep! And that's the geezer I need to give a stern talking to again.
Elder Kai: Oh hello nylon looks like you got the message.
Nylon: Yeah I did. There not like text messages that's what phones are.
EK: Anyways there has been a change is history Nylon.
Nylon: What?
SKOT: It's coming from the time vault we should head there.

Nylon, SKOT and the elder Kai head to the time vault.

SKOT: This is the one of the time scrolls. Everything from the past is in here.
EK: And there was been one change in that scroll she is holding.
Both: Have a look.

Inside the scroll is Goku and piccolo's fight with raditz, Goku is trying to by piccolo some time to fire the special beam cannon.

Piccolo: Special beam canooonnnnn!!!!!!! Fires the special beam cannon

Raditz in a lack of instinct picks up Goku and throws up to the special beam cannon. This causes Goku to be the one hit with the special beam cannon instead of raditz.

Piccolo: Goku!! Arggh your lucky I don't have enough ki...
Raditz: ha!! Fires a ki blast

Piccolo gets hit with the ki blast. Leavening raditz taking a unconscious gohan while laughing maniacally.

Nylon: Not great great great grandpa!!!
SKOT: Your great great great grandpa and piccolo need your help, so are you up to it?
Nylon: You know it!! Takes the scroll.

Nylon is now traveling to the time when his great great great grandpa and piccolo fought raditz.

Age 761: Goku is thrown into the ground, he then gets back up to attack raditz. Raditz separate the dream team and then throws a ki blast a goku tearing his gi.

Raditz: This is your last change. Join your family kakar-
Goku: SHUT UP!!! There is no way I will ever join you!
Raditz: hm then have it your w-

Raditz then senses a massive power from the pod. It's gohan! He tries to attack but raditz doges.

Raditz: You WORM!!!

Raditz fires a ki blast at Goku's son. Goku on the verge of tears can't believe that his own son has perished. But it turns out that he's gone. Raditz now all of a sudden senses a crazy amount of energy that is stronger then another saiyan.

Raditz: Impossible!! W-Whats with this power!!!

It's revealed that nylon came in and saved his great great grandpa.

Nylon: You seriously picking on the kids? shame on you.
Goku: T-T-Thanks
Piccolo: He looks like something we could trust.

Raditz tries to attack them with his weekend but they all doge. Nylon then comes it with a gut punch leading to a kick in the face

Raditz: gah- gets flown back

Raditz tries to throw a ki blast at nylon but goku stops him. Goku throws a Kamehameha at raditz, raditz throws a shinning Friday at goku. Nylon then sos a new attack

Nylon: Double crash!!!

Raditz gets hit with the double crash.

EK: Is this what you want? Oi! Can you even hear us at all??

Before Nylon can speak he gets smacked.

Nylon: And this is why I and keep scouters on me. Breaks scoutor

EK: Hello? Hello? HELLLOOO??
SKOT: How dare he break that scouter! It was the new model too.

Nylon and Goku and landing some good blows on raditz, but raditz throws a vacation delete at goku

Raditz: DIE!!!!


Nylon: Goku!! Why you!!!!

Nylon throws heavy attacks on raditz, he then slams him into the ground. Raditz try's to do the same thing he did to goku but nylon kicks him in the gut. Before raditz can do anything goku comes in out of nowhere and holds him.

Raditz: Wha- What!! How are you able to stand?!?!
Piccolo: Ready to die? Special Beam Cannonnnnnnn!!!!!!!

Just like how it goes Raditz and Goku get hit with the special beam cannon killing both of them.


Goku just laughs as both him and raditz hit the ground.

Piccolo: Heh heh heh serves you right. Who was that??

Nylon heads back to the time vault awaiting him was a upset SKOT and EK

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